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Rant about Gatecrasher One (Republic)


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Last night me & a few friends had a night in town for a mate's birthday and the birthday boy wanted to go to Gatecrasher One/Republic. Our night was ruined because one of the guys got turned away from the door staff - reason being he was "Dressed too smart".

Out of all my years going out and clubbin in Sheffield I've never heard such a more stupid excuse to get turned away. Just because he was wearing a black shirt and trousers instead of looking like some fashion victim or a student, Just because he wasn't wearing scruffy jeans, a vintage T-shirt and a stupid hairstyle he got turned away. It was the first time I'd been out in Sheffield for six weeks and the whole nightlife here is going downhill fast and something quickly needs to be done.


The staff at Gatecrasher need to button their ideas up and start being not so prejudice because after last night I will be taking my beer money elsewhere most likley out of Sheffield.

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Originally posted by Tony

I shouldn't worry too much. Places like Gatecrasher turn people away at random just so the rest of the queue can see. They think it keeps up some kind of mythical aura.


Totally agree with that.


Once saw one person turned away because his trainers were to "street", wtf??

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Jus go somewhere else........


I once got turned away from Bed for "not having made a big enough effort" and was questioned about what part of Sheffield I lived in and then when I said "Firth Park" was told I couldn't come in. Shame it closed.


It's proper childish and completely arbitary. You can't tell someone's musical taste by how they are dressed and a club where everyone looks the same ??? borrrring. If someone's too drunk then don't let em in and if there is a big group of lads singing "yer gonna get yer ****in head kicked in" think twice too.

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Originally posted by BigTone

It was the first time I'd been out in Sheffield for six weeks


you went out last saturday to mingdom you big fibber LOL



but yeah, there was no need to turn nathan away, we was only walking in as normal, and it does take **** to be honest, but i wunt say it ruined night, just put a dampener on things

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Originally posted by Robbie_Lovin

you went out last saturday to mingdom you big fibber LOL






What I ment was that I hadn't been outround Sheffield city centre for 6 weeks. Last week I went round Vally Centretainment and ended up in Kingdom.

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