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Any guitar Experts?


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Hi, I'm thinking of getting an electric guitar but I dont want to spend lots of money because I might end up giving up and I'm also a student! I have seen this pack on ebay, and they are based in Sheffield so I can save on postage! For the money, can anyone tell me if this is a good deal and fairly decent guitar? Ive heard the brand do good guitars, and the other ones I've looked at for around the same price dont seem so good / I've heard bad reviews. Thanks



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either look good to me, the first one has everything you need so for ease of use id get that.. although ibanez does hold a fond place in my heart.


i bought my guitar for £220 off ebay..luckily no-one else bid and i got an amazing bargain.. (with all the stuff i got the deal was worth over £500!)


and if you get thru the first few months...things will become easier..its very frustrating when you start thou.....you will be eager to play something and recognize it but all the while you are complaining you cant get your hand to stretch far enough or remember any chord shapes haha


good luck! :)

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