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MP's expense shame

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News must be slow then. Surely The Times can't be the only organisation in the world that didn't know about MPs and their expenses?


A bit rich though, coming from a journalist whose profession is renowned for fiddling expenses. :D

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Originally posted by Tony

...MP's are claiming expenses up to 3 times their salary!


I wondered why there was no money left in the pot to pay nurses & doctors a suitable increase :rolleyes:

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I think it's called fraud. The greedy b******s as if they don't get paid enough. See here for all the bits that an MP doesn't tell you he/she gets.


The Winding up allowance made me titter payable after MP's defeat or retirement. Then there's the Resettlement Grant worth upto £57,000, to help them adjust to non-parliamentary life.


Poor things I really don't know how they manage :mad:

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Sadly, these scandals now come so frequently that no one is shocked by it any more. As we see from comments on here, it is now seen as quite normal, and 'everybody does it.'


Well I can honestly say that not everyone does it. There are honest people in the world, but when they are seen as 'mugs' for not fiddling in some way, we have a society that's in serious trouble.


What happened to people at the top setting a good example for others to follow?


These greedy individuals who are already rich by most people's standards, should be ashamed. Yet they have the audacity to throw the full weight of the law against relatively poor people who transgress the benefits system for paltry sums. Our overlords simply cannot see the connection or the irony in this - but then they never were particularly bright, particularly when pound signs are dangled before their eyes....

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