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HALF WAY THERE!!!!! 20weeks to go!


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He he. Thats great you are half way there. I am 3 weeks behind you- 17wks tomoro and am excited that i am getting close to half way there. On the tearful note, i had an argument with the monster in law yesterday who is being a real monster to me. I decided to stand up to her and it seemed to cause more trouble and led to me crying about 3 times in one day and feeling like my world was going to end :blush: Its very unlike me so i guess i am a bit on the weepy side too!

Congrats on getting half way :hihi:

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He he. Thats great you are half way there. I am 3 weeks behind you- 17wks tomoro and am excited that i am getting close to half way there. On the tearful note, i had an argument with the monster in law yesterday who is being a real monster to me. I decided to stand up to her and it seemed to cause more trouble and led to me crying about 3 times in one day and feeling like my world was going to end :blush: Its very unlike me so i guess i am a bit on the weepy side too!

Congrats on getting half way :hihi:






mother-in-laws are all witches, if mine is anything to go by. she actually winced when she looked at babybabychickens' new passport and saw that she wasn't the emergency contact person. she gave the baby a jumper with "i've had enough - i'm going to grandma's!" on it for christmas, too, which given the state of our relationship is simply not acceptable. my advice? ignore her, put on a steely smile if you do have to see her, and let her catch you looking at the clock lots whenever she comes to visit - if she can make you uncomfortable, just imagine how much power you'll have over her once you've had your baby and are controlling her access to it!


anyway, i counted up until 24 weeks, then started counting down again, and it took absolutely forever!

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just a few days behind u! im 20 weeks on friday n same as u wanting to cry at EVERYTHING! felt bump (malteaser as we have named it) move yesterday n felt like i was gonna burst into tears.

got over my morning sickness but still having lots of dizzy spells. cant wait for 20 week scan!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

well it seems only 2 minutes since i was replying to this to say i was half-way there and now im 3/4 way there only 10 weeks left!!!


hows everyone feeling at the mo?


im starting to struggle at work but luckily ive got lots of holiday to take so only 3 weeks left at work, terrible backache and struggling to sleep. plus now i have the extra worry of the midwife telling me she thinks "malteaser" is a bit too large for his dates but she will reassess in a few weeks, only trouble is im terrified due to the fact my sister had a stillborn baby at 34wks due to him getting too large for the womb, but ill try not to worry too much!

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Don't panic, biffalo. Just keep on top of it. They may just want to look at the dates again to be sure they got them right. Just insist she check more than every few weeks if you're worried, or ask to be sent for a scan and tell them about your sister.


If the baby is big, it isn't necessarily something to panic about. Cosycub was huge...nearly 11lbs, and I am only 5 foot tall. They didn't notice and it was only me telling them again and again and again that he was huge that made them send me for a scan...just in time too. But not because he was too big for my womb but because he was completely breach and too big to move - too big to even try to deliver breach out of his short-arse mum, lol. They had to give me a c-section. The woman scanning me joked he'd be walking out of the hospital on his own, lol.


Tell the midwife your worries and don't be fobbed off. But don't spend too much time worrying about it, hun.



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