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Pirate Radio Stations:270,Caroline and Luxembourg


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During the 60's in Sheffield we used to listen to these stations because the alternitive was the light program and the home service. It was always a topic of conversation at school. The reason for this post is I have just found a map as a teenager the stations I used to listen to I had an ex communications receiver ex mod bought from the ex army stors at West Bar. Who can remember 208 with Horace Bachelor and the word Keynsham


In the summer of 1966 I was camping with a friend at Skipsea,near Bridlington.We were on my small motorbike and one day we went to Bridlington.The boat trips were advertising trips around Radio 270 (I think).We thought that was a cheap trip as it was near Scarborough or Whitby,so we paid our money.Suckers it was in Bridlington Bay for repairs!!!! It later came into Bridlington harbour and somebody climbed the very high mast to do repairs.I remember the crew getting very upset with a passing speedboat as it caused the ship to sway violently.

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During the 60's in Sheffield we used to listen to these stations because the alternitive was the light program and the home service. It was always a topic of conversation at school. The reason for this post is I have just found a map as a teenager the stations I used to listen to I had an ex communications receiver ex mod bought from the ex army stors at West Bar. Who can remember 208 with Horace Bachelor and the word Keynsham


I remember it very well, it was Keynsham, Bristol.

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I remember it very well, it was Keynsham, Bristol.


Don't forget the Ovaltinies. Remember Luxembourg how it always faded as your favourite record was on. Ahh them were the days ,sat round the fire toastin bread ,no telly,just the owd wireless ,Great memories.:thumbsup:

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Both Caroline and Big L are now broadcasting on the Sky Digital system if anyone wants to here them again.

My favourite was from the early 70's by the name of Radio Nordsee International ( RNI ). Now there was a proper pop pirate. Jammed, bombed, set on fire, and it still stayed on air until the Dutch passed their version of the Marine Broadcasting Act.

I've a picture of their ship the MEBO 2 as my wallpaper on the laptop.

Oh, what memories !!!!!:thumbsup:

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  • 9 months later...

Thought I would resurrect this thread as someone on the forum asked me about some music played as an infill on RNI but I can't remember who it was. However, I think I have found what it was, better late than never. It's by Burt Baccarach and called South American Getaway. It can be downloaded from a Dutch site, PM me for details. Seasons greetings to all free radio listeners.

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Thought I would resurrect this thread as someone on the forum asked me about some music played as an infill on RNI but I can't remember who it was. However, I think I have found what it was, better late than never. It's by Burt Baccarach and called South American Getaway. It can be downloaded from a Dutch site, PM me for details. Seasons greetings to all free radio listeners.


davep Thanks for your reply this was a period when we could listen to the current music that the state would not provided.

From the sixties when they started it gave us a great chance to listen to new bands and then we woulg go out and buy the records.

270,London,Caroline etc.

I remember having an old ex MOD Communications reciever tunned in with a map on the wall with each offshore station marked.

I had a Grundig 7 inch reel to reel tape recorder with the mike taped to the speaker so I could record.

If I remember Radio Londons charts started at 4, 270 was 6 and Luxomburgh was 10. Oh happy days

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Both Caroline and Big L are now broadcasting on the Sky Digital system if anyone wants to here them again.

My favourite was from the early 70's by the name of Radio Nordsee International ( RNI ). Now there was a proper pop pirate. Jammed, bombed, set on fire, and it still stayed on air until the Dutch passed their version of the Marine Broadcasting Act.

I've a picture of their ship the MEBO 2 as my wallpaper on the laptop.

Oh, what memories !!!!!:thumbsup:


Big L is also on 1395 AM. The studios are in Frinton and the transmitter is in Holland. Give it a listen.

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