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Ideas for Mothers Day


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I don't understand why mums & wives have to wait till Mothering Sunday to get any kind of treat.


I treat R-lass all the time, and, if my owd Mam was still alive I'd be treating her too.



Come on folks, don't let Clinton Cards dictate your obligations :thumbsup:

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I don't understand why mums & wives have to wait till Mothering Sunday to get any kind of treat.


I treat R-lass all the time, and, if my owd Mam was still alive I'd be treating her too.



Come on folks, don't let Clinton Cards dictate your obligations :thumbsup:


I completely agree DK Mother's Day is a money driven stunt.


My Mother always said that if you need the newspapers to tell you when to buy me some flowers or get me a treat, don't bother.:thumbsup:


Incidentally I think the same of Father's Day :)

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i am wanting to take my mom out for sunday lunch for mothers day on sunday...


i was wondering if anyone had any ideas, for traditional sunday lunch, in a nice restaurant


i have left it a bit late, i know, but i could really do with somewhere.. :)




EDIT - we can only make sunday evening, about 7, so sunday lunch will be off the menu, but any good restaurants in sheffield..


NOT chinese, Indian etc...

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A couple years ago, I took my mother to see Fleetwood Mac (she loves them). Shelled out the big bucks to sit right near the stage. Ever since...it's been difficult to top that.


Perhaps this year the Lindsey Buckingham show will do nicely as I think he's her fav. anyway.

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