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Zabiela & Fanciulli


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I liked the Utilities CD, but got bored of it rather quick.


Never heard him in a club. Although i only realised after the event that he was playing the Discoteque in Space (Ibiza) whilst we were out on the terrace so miseed an opportunity there. Doh!



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You really don't know how wrong that statement is. I've met him a couple of times (only very briefly and he certainly wouldn't remember!). I am from his home town of Southampton and a few people I know are well aquainted with him. He is actually one of the most down-to-earth and generally nicest people you could ever hope to meet. Yes he has strong connections with Pioneer - going to Japan and helping them design the EFX1000 for starters - but to call him a corporate whore is way off the mark I'm afraid. If a company like Pioneer came along and offered you a huge sum of cash to help them design their latest toy, would you say no?


I do take on board your other comments though and have heard similar remarks from other people. As a DJ myself I can fully appreciate the effort that goes in to his sets but he is so good at what he does, uneducated people wouldn't realise just what he is actually doing behind the decks, they would just assume that it is all part of the tune he is playing and therefore not be as impressed.


It also helps that I have always been into the stlye of music he plays, going back to when he first hit the scene playing prog, so again I understand that his style does not appeal to everyone

i base the corporate whore bit on the fact he does all he can to mention pioneer and their products in all his interviews. if it were that simple that he simply designed it would be different but it seems he goes out of his way to mention them. that said i understand he is a very shy modest person and extremely likeable so i'm not attacking him as a person at all.


you ask me if i'd do it for a large heap of cash? no i wouldn't. i'd rather keep my credibility and my integrity and not have everyone wonder if i'm paid for my every opinion.


i'm also a dj and i do appreciate what he does in the box there is literally nobody even close to him in technical ability. but thats not what djing is about. hes not there to astound me with what he can do. he's there to entertain me and provide music to make me dance. in that he fails spectacularly.


everybody should go and see him because he is amazing at what he does.

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i base the corporate whore bit on the fact he does all he can to mention pioneer and their products in all his interviews. if it were that simple that he simply designed it would be different but it seems he goes out of his way to mention them. that said i understand he is a very shy modest person and extremely likeable so i'm not attacking him as a person at all.


If he played every gig wearing a Pioneer T-shirt, in the way that F1 drivers always have to appear covered in sponsors logos, then I'd agree with you. But I think you're reading too much in to him mentioning their gear in interviews. Whenever people ask me about my DJing, I always bleat on about how fantastic my CDJ1000s and my EFX are, and how they add a whole new dimension to my mixing. But I've never been paid a penny from them (quite the opposite in fact! :mad: )


Anyway, I've learned over the years never to argue about personal music tastes because there can never be a winner in such an argument. I really like his music and he makes me dance like an idiot, you obviously don't feel the same so lets just leave it there.

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He is a great dj technically no doubt about that but he does not comapre to digweed or sasha when they are on fire


he is a bit more robotic imo too much emphasis on trickery than playing the right tune at the right time


still a fantastic talent who will probally get better and better

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If he played every gig wearing a Pioneer T-shirt, in the way that F1 drivers always have to appear covered in sponsors logos, then I'd agree with you. But I think you're reading too much in to him mentioning their gear in interviews. Whenever people ask me about my DJing, I always bleat on about how fantastic my CDJ1000s and my EFX are, and how they add a whole new dimension to my mixing. But I've never been paid a penny from them (quite the opposite in fact! :mad: )


Anyway, I've learned over the years never to argue about personal music tastes because there can never be a winner in such an argument. I really like his music and he makes me dance like an idiot, you obviously don't feel the same so lets just leave it there.

i'm on my own with this argument! everybody else loves him but for me i never feel its about the music when i've seen him play it always seems to be about what he does with the records.


all that said its going to be a cracking gig because i think fancuilli is a superb dj. his production work leaves me a bit cold but hes a talent behind the decks. also i hope you enjoy the gig!

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When I've seen Zabiela he's rocked it and managed to get everyone dancing like a loon (the way it should be). I think one of the reasons he is liked so much is that even though he spends a great deal of time tinkering it's still great to dance to. There are some DJ's out there who obviously have technical ability but still manage to kill a set but in my opinion JZ isn't one of them. It's great to see just how much he enjoys playing to a crowd (UG last year anyone....) - plenty of big name DJ's just turn up for the money these days but you can see he really, really enjoys what he's doing.


As above though everybody has their own personal musical tastes - if we all liked the same thing it would be boring (and we'd end up with 500 funky house clubs again :))

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