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Hed Kandi, whats it like?


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ive been told its the best night out around if you are totally vain.. i cant comment as i dont like the genre of music and have never been... just passing on what ive heard 4/5 times over last few months...oh and also its very expensive apparantly.

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I love Republic (Gatecrasher one)!

I go most Saturdays! Its £8 to get in and i think its a great night! There are some people who are up their back sides, but just keep away from them!!


thanks daniella..and only £8 i was thinking more like £15 +


we've got nothing else planned after popping to the leadmill and i'm not stopping in there all night :rolleyes:

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I would say Hed Kandi is still a great night out .. There are always going to people who think they're better than anyone else whatever club you go to .. (Apart from at the Southport Weekender where there isn't the SLIGHTEST attitude problem amongst the 5,000 people that attend because it's one big happy soulful family - but then again, they're there for the music and the vibe, not for anything else) ...


Hed Kandi always was and always will be, a good night out, full of lovely people and some good tunes ... go !

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