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Anyone in to CB radio in 1980s?


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Same here. I did find an old SWR meter in the outhouse the other day, but I don't think there is a rig in there (although there's that much junk that there could be). There is a dipole laid on the flat roof which I am loathe to take down just in case !!!

I've often wondered whether to get back on air, just to see what its like these days.

10-10 to everyone for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Toooooo old!!! been on hols will get back to you soon. Going to be held in Stocky on Sat 13th Oct. Just been reading these posts from the beginning - **it scared!! Apols to all those i arranged to eyeball and apparantly didn't turn up??? We used to ask the person what time it was and then stay or leg it - my only defense is i was very young!!!

Got the pub so you now know where to come.

came,had a game of pool with the nice repaired cloth!saw no one....went?what happened????:confused:

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  • 4 weeks later...



Does anyone remember Micro Man, Aladin, Lady Venus (she was hot) and her Dad was a channel 9 monitor, Fruit & Nut, Foxy Lady, Little Angel aka Toffee Apple (she was cute), Future Cavailer (Hi Shaun) the Penistone Sisters (Still chuckle about your driving licences)Sultan, Persuader and a stunning girl who I met at the fair in Hillsborough Park (had a slight gap between her 2 front teeth, unfortunately i've forgoten your name and handle, sorry. all were from Wadsley, Wisewood, Walkley, Middlewood etc



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i had a cb round about 1983/84 i was called daydreamer i remember others tenspeed gold sovereign silver sovereign werent they brothers im sure they were, gosh im tryin to remember a very popular lady always were coughin all time as she were talkin, just cant think of her name at mo, i were always on from 10 oclock at night until about 4 next morning, then i used to get earache of my mum for getting up at 2pm in afternoon, gosh doesnt time fly by

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Oh God this brings back some memories!!!! My dad had the "illegal" CB set up in the back bedroom on the Hyde Park Flats and we had some fab times. I recall Alladin Sane, Gold Sovereign, Motorola just off the top of my head. I must have been about 13 or so at the time and I was Jelly Baby - no idea where that name came from! :loopy:

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There was a bloke called Fred used to live on the bottom of scowerdons was always on his CB , it would have been the early 80's . My sister and her mates all used to hang round there when they were teenages , she took me round once when i was little and he gave me the creeps . He was alot like jimmy saville , used to wear little shorts and shirts undone to show off his chest :gag: !!!.I always remember all the ariels on his roof for the CB , the neighbors used to complain alot , dont know what his name on the CB was though , sorry !!! xx

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