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Yummy School dinners!

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I used to luuuuurve school dinners. I used to clear my plate and ask for seconds :)


The cheese and onion pie was so lovely - I have never managed to replicate it exactly.


me neither hennypenny, my kids never had it when they went to school, now they dont go we do baking days and i have tried so many different ways but NEVER get it to taste like the school one. :( neither did my spam fritter experiment

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My memories of school dinners at middle school are ones that still make feel a bit iffy! The playground at Shiregreen middle were next to the kitchens and I can smell the aroma of overcooked carrots and cabbage mingled in with the sickly sweetness of something with jam in and custard even now :gag: :gag: :gag: The food at Comp' were quite good as a rule though :)

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Caremel tart with a swirl of cream on top, sponge with jam on top covered in coconut served with custurd,cheese croquets,chocolate sponge and chocolate custurd,musarca(spelt wrong i know!) but made with sliced potatoes on top,Deep meat and potatoe pie with peas.These are the things i used to love at school.


Where are you now Brenda the bean server(All Saints)

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Had a spat of taking packed lunches -'just cus my mates did'....but went back to school lunches.


Most of my favs already listed - spam fritters, cheese and onion flan and on Friday...Fish and Chips - that was the day we all used to bolt down the food in the hope of getting some seconds.


Only one I can recall I was not too fond of was the Irish Stew.


As for the puds - Jam Sponge and Custard - has to be No 1 for me

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