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Yummy School dinners!

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I used to have the same school dinner every day..


Cheese pie, chips and beans and a can of tropical fruit flavoured pop....:) (wished it was lilt):hihi:


Does anyone know how to make cheese pie ??


You mean you had a choice?? - when I was at school (mind you this was in teh 50's and 60's) you ate what you were given. If you didnt like it there were usually two outcomes - depending on the teacher on 'lunch duty' :


1. You left your food and went hungry

2. You left your food but was then given a reprimand/clip round the ear for being so ungrateful - especially when there were 'so many starving children elswhere in the world'


I certainly remember at junior school the headmaster taking the last option - woe betide any kid who left any food on his plate - depending on his mood you would either get a fairly stiff telling off but kept qiuet-ish....or... if he was in a bad mood - the whole school would know how ungrateful you were because of the 'starving kids etc etc'


Many was the time I ate some food (cannot remember what it was now) with my nose pinched between my nose like some foul medicine

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I remember the cheese pie (with tomato on the top) and chocolate sponge with chocolate sauce. I also remember having stew and getting a piece of dry bread with it - we thought that was quite a treat. Also do you remember the plastic cups of water we were given?

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I can remember the warm tomato sauce, we use to have it over fish.

These are from a school dinner lady years ago, I was really suprised that the croquette's were cheese always thought it was potato!



2Pints Milk 12oz Pudding Rice

2oz Flour 2oz Onion Chopped small

11b 10oz Cheese 2 Eggs Beaten

For best results use 11b 5oz mature red chedder/5oz normal red cheddar.



Cook rice in 2 pt milk until soft or absorbed all milk.

Grate cheese and onion, mix with rice and allow to cool.Then chill in fridge for a few hrs or over night it’s easier to shape then.

On a floured surface shape rice mix into shape ( 20 portions )

Dip in egg then breadcrumbs

Deep fry in moderate hot oil until golden brown.




Bake a pastry case blind ( lined with greaseproof and topped with dried pasta or dried peas) Not blindfolded !.



3qrt 1b Cheese 1 third Pint of Milk 2 Eggs

Half Tsp Mustard ( powdered mustard ) 4 Onions ( grated )




Just mix all ingredients together then add to pastry case

Bake middle shelf Gas 6 or 200C / 400F


Infant School Recipe For Flan


As above leaving out the Onion and Mustard, add the grated cheese to flan base and then pour mixture on top.


I always love the above with chips and spaghetti but some of my friends love them with chips and tinned tom's.


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You mean you had a choice?? - when I was at school (mind you this was in teh 50's and 60's) you ate what you were given. If you didnt like it there were usually two outcomes - depending on the teacher on 'lunch duty' :


1. You left your food and went hungry

2. You left your food but was then given a reprimand/clip round the ear for being so ungrateful - especially when there were 'so many starving children elswhere in the world'


I certainly remember at junior school the headmaster taking the last option - woe betide any kid who left any food on his plate - depending on his mood you would either get a fairly stiff telling off but kept qiuet-ish....or... if he was in a bad mood - the whole school would know how ungrateful you were because of the 'starving kids etc etc'


Many was the time I ate some food (cannot remember what it was now) with my nose pinched between my nose like some foul medicine


with reference to the above,

even though i had a note from my mother stating that i was allergic to liver, i was given instead, mash and cabbage with .........the gravy from the liver!

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I hate to admit it now but I used to nick rolls from the canteen each lunch (had a routine well worked out and never got caught!), so I could afford fags with my dinner money to sneak up the playing field with! They were always delicious on home made bread and I feel quite guilty for it now, being a reformed character!

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