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Is there anything else I can do?

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I'm at a bit of a standstill with regards to weight loss. I lost 12lbs in a fortnight when I was really stressed/upset in January... and have lost a further 3 lbs in Feb, however thats it. No more weight loss... It just wont go and I've been doing the exact same thing as I did which shifted the initial 12lbs.


What should I do?


My food intake is VERY strict. I know precisely whats going into my body on a day to day basis foodwise. A typical day is:


Breakfast: One banana or a Fitness Bar

Lunch: Small tin of tuna in spring water on top of three crispbreads with a drizzle of fat free vinagrette...

Tea: Stirfry with chicken/onion/pepper either in a tortilla or served with 98% fat free noodles...

Snacks: Eating 18cal crackers as much as I want...

Drinks: Water, 2 coffee's max.


However my downfall is alcohol. I have been out A LOT and drank A LOT... But as of Tuesday, I'm not going out anymore as I need to shift some weight and I feel that the alcohol is keeping me back.


I cycle roughly 25 miles a day... and I've just started jogging with my mate and he says we should go swimming too...


Am I doing enough? and is it the alcohol thats keeping my weight the same?

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i would think that the alcohol is not doing you much good. There are a lot of calories in most alcoholic drinks and they will stall your weight loss.

A good tip though is to stick to drinks like vodka and diet coke or gin and slim line tonic. You might even get away with vodka and sugar free redbull.


anything else (especially alcopops) and you're doomed.

Make sure you drink plenty of water (at least 2 litres a day).

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i would think that the alcohol is not doing you much good. There are a lot of calories in most alcoholic drinks and they will stall your weight loss.

A good tip though is to stick to drinks like vodka and diet coke or gin and slim line tonic. You might even get away with vodka and sugar free redbull.


anything else (especially alcopops) and you're doomed.

Make sure you drink plenty of water (at least 2 litres a day).


Thanks. I'm cutting the alcohol out alltogether... I've been out most nights in the past fortnight and unfortunately got trolleyed on most of them... Bottle of wine, lager, you name it I've drank it. But its purely a social thing and most people are staying in to revise now for exams anyways...


So as I'm cutting out the alcohol, do u think I'm on the right track diet/exercise wise?

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I'm not a dietician so wouldn't like to comment on your food intake but the general rule of thumb is that you need to take in less calories than you're using per day.


Also another good thing to stick by is that if you eat 1200 calories a day or less then you will definately lose weight. Did you know you can burn between 600 and 800 calories while sleeping for 8 hrs? Everything you do helps you burn calories (wether it's reading, walking, sitting and watching TV etc).


The drinking (i.e. the types of drink you said you drink - wine, lager) will definately make you stall when trying to lose weight.

You can still drink, just make sure you drink the drinks with the least calories. :)

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I'm not a dietician so wouldn't like to comment on your food intake but the general rule of thumb is that you need to take in less calories than you're using per day.


Also another good thing to stick by is that if you eat 1200 calories a day or less then you will definately lose weight. Did you know you can burn between 600 and 800 calories while sleeping for 8 hrs? Everything you do helps you burn calories (wether it's reading, walking, sitting and watching TV etc).


The drinking (i.e. the types of drink you said you drink - wine, lager) will definately make you stall when trying to lose weight.

You can still drink, just make sure you drink the drinks with the least calories. :)


Oh I sleep alot... I'm a student! But lately its all been about the hangovers lol...

But yeah, I'm hoping its just the alcohol which has been stalling me. I better start losing it fast or I'm gonna scream!

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"I cycle roughly 25 miles a day... and I've just started jogging with my mate and he says we should go swimming too..."



I think you should be loosing weight(from what your current training regime suggests) if not a shed load of body fat is turning to very streamlined muscle:thumbsup:

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Well thats what I thought... Oh and a good two hours of dancing like a mad woman when I hit a club... But the vast quantities of alcohol must be the thing getting in my way... Hmmm :(


Just out of interest, I quit drinking three and a half weeks ago, just cos I have never done it before and I lost a stone by the second week (it seems to have moved off my belly too) and I am certainly not what you would call over weight (most would say I am slim) but I did drink quite a lot.


I say give it a go, can't hurt.

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Well thats what I thought... Oh and a good two hours of dancing like a mad woman when I hit a club... But the vast quantities of alcohol must be the thing getting in my way... Hmmm :(


Yup, and its down to pressure with the people you out with to, it depends how disciplined you are to basically say no. :)

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