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Is there anything else I can do?

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This is not an advert but just my personal experience. I have in the past lost weight through strict calorie counting and was both obsessed and fairly miserable. I then gradually put all the weight back on again.


In the last year I lost 3 stones through Slimming World, where there are unlimited amounts of "free foods" (not just lettuce and water but things like pasta, potatoes etc) so you can stuff yourself rather than sit feeling miserable and deprived. And it has certainly worked for me. Of course, it takes some discipline to limit things like chocolate, bread, alcohol etc. But compared to previous methods of losing weight I have found it very easy.

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I have lost just under 2 stone with slimming world so far. I also began exercising, only to have to cut back on it a little as it was making me gain a little weight. It has something to do with muscle being denser than fat. I don't really understand it.


Muscle is more dense than fat. Think of it like this: if you have a chunk of muscle and a lump of fat, both exactly the same size, the muscle will weigh a lot more. This is because of its density.


Your weight is just a number - why does it matter what you are? It's more important that you feel good about yourself, feel healthy, don't have a lot of excess fat etc. Exercise helps with this, and it's far healthier to swap a load of fat for a little bit of (heavier) muscle.

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The alcohol will definitely not be helping.


You might also find it useful to have a 'fatter day' every week or so because your body will be getting used to having very little food to keep it going. This means it will be trying to preserve the fat it has, to prevent you from starving to death. It's beneficial to remind it what a 'normal' day is like every so often so it knows you're not struggling to find enough food!

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I guess I drink without thinking about it really.... IE Monday afternoon in the pub... Could have drank coke but couldnt resist the bottle of rose! :P


But its going well, I turned down the pub on Wednesday as I couldnt trust myself... My mates and I are all bogged down with work right now and we're all pretty skint as we're awaiting our April loans...


I'm replacing nights out on the **** with nights in studying/going round to mates to watch a film or even jogging in the park etc... Its the way forward right now! :P The alcohol was playing havoc with my IBS, making me bloated and thus feel unattractive, thus wanting to drink more... Vicious circle!

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