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The Young Writers Thread (aged 10-15)

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The Young Writers Thread.


This thread is specifically for young writers aged 10 to 15.


The writing group policy is that all password holders must be aged 16 or over, however, to encourage the young talent we have started this sticky thread so that writers aged 10-15 can ‘publish’ their work in the open section of the writers group and the existing members can offer constructive help & advice where appropriate.


Please note that any work uploaded into the “open section” in not copyright protected and is accessible by the general public via the internet.


All contributors must comply with the usual Sheffield Forum rules concerning decency / swearing etc.


How to upload your story.


1. Click on the “Post Reply” button (at the top left of this page)

2. Cut & paste your story in the message box that appears.

3. Click the “submit reply” button.


Then pop back later to view the feedback left by the other writers.


You do not have to put your name or age on your work if you don’t want to, but please give your work a title!

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My little Angel


In the day

I dream of pain

Whilst time runs through my hands.


In the night

I dream of you

Upon your magic cloud.


Hush now my little angel

Wait for me

One day I’ll stay asleep.


Then I can come and be with you.

My life will be complete.


By Jennifer



PS This is all her own work, she asked me for a word to rhyme with ‘sleep’ then 5 minutes later plonked this on my desk. Talented little critter isn’t she?

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My little Angel


In the day

I dream of pain

Whilst time runs through my hands.


In the night

I dream of you

Upon your magic cloud.


Hush now my little angel

Wait for me

One day I’ll stay asleep.


Then I can come and be with you.

My life will be complete.


By Jennifer



PS This is all her own work, she asked me for a word to rhyme with ‘sleep’ then 5 minutes later plonked this on my desk. Talented little critter isn’t she?


Jennifer is a better writer than me! :o


I loved that piece.


Keep writing Jennifer, please. :thumbsup:

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Hello Jennifer, I am Polkadotacne writing on my mum's account. :D I really liked your poem. Wish I knew how old you were. PM me or something, 'kay?

-Polkie, age 11


Here's my poem below. I wrote it last year.



A Day


Oranges and reds curve across the field.

A cricket chirps, safe in the knowledge

that this has happened before.


The sun tenderly sets itself down

brimming over the top of

the horizon.


The sky is streaked with colours

and shadows are creeping on

beneath all of us.


The sun is gone, leaving

a thousand pins on a black jacket.

A world of silver light.


A great round moon in the sky

clouded over once, twice, many times.

The blanket of darkness creeps away.


Lilacs and

lacy blues, stark against white sky.

A shy sun peers around, and rises.


It goes round, round.

Everything starts again.


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Here is another poem I did in 2005.


Polkie, age 11.


Waiting for a swing


They lie upon the grass

Or lean against a pole

And a complaint, a bribe

Is this what we have to offer?


And those above us still carry on

Ignoring quavering pleas

Up and down, up and down

A movement, a deed


So they'll lie there for eternity

'Till their souls are finally freed

And they, too, will rise up

To fall down, down....

here we are again


And so still we lie here

The grass so fresh and sweet

While those above us live....

and here we are still....

waiting for a swing....

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