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The Young Writers Thread (aged 10-15)

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Looks like we hijacked the Young Writers Thread !! Yes I looked it up, I think they were two people from Sheffield., but recognised your son from SF. You must be very proud of them all.Couldnt see any spelling mistakes though. :hihi:


I am very proud of all my family and friends :)


The error in the article was that they said I was a qualified teacher, which I am not. Quite good to only have one error, the other times we have been in articles they usually get loads wrong - at least they got my name right this time!

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She must be really glad to have her grandma still around :)


I'm her Grandad. :) It's a common misconception on SF with my user name being virtually gender neutral. :o:)


Her Grandma is still around too though, slaving away as usual looking after me! :hihi:

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I'm her Grandad. :) It's a common misconception on SF with my user name being virtually gender neutral. :o:)


Her Grandma is still around too though, slaving away as usual looking after me! :hihi:


shoeshine, fancy you being mistaken for a grandma.! Grandma what big eyes youve got ! Grandma what big teeth youve got(Are they youre own) ;)

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Here is a play I have written for my drama group :)


by Polkie 11.3.07 Age 11.


The Murder Mystery

Cast List










Narrator: Scene 1, Part One. A little cottage in the mountains, and four childhood friends.


Abigail, enter stage.

Abigail: My, what a lovely cottage! (Turning her head around.)

(Esmerelda, enter stage.)

Esmerelda: Abigail! (She swoops down upon Abigail and kisses her on both cheeks.) My old dance partner! My, you’re looking well.

Abigail: Er… yes, Esme, nice to see you. (She sounds a little less enthusiastic than she should be.)

(Ronalda, enter stage.)

Ronalda: Ooh, Esme, Abbie. Isn’t this great? Now all we need is… oh, speak of the devil!

(Nancina, enter stage.)

Nancina: Oh, oh! (Beams at everyone.) This is just like old days, isn’t it! The old dance school… (Smiles fondly, and then points towards a door.) Shall we go upstairs and dine?


(All four file offstage.)


Narrator: So, the old friends are reunited. But perhaps all is not as it seems. Later that night, at the dining table, something terrible happens…


(Nancina, Ronalda, Esmerelda and Abigail enter stage, carrying chairs, and put two on each side, facing each other. They sit down.)

Nancina: (Sipping wine) This is such a lovely cottage. Has anyone seen the hot tub?

Abigail: Not yet. Sounds lovely. (Eating.)

Esmerelda: Wonderful. (Sips from an imaginary glass.) You know, I don’t feel so well. Perhaps it’s all the excitement? I think I’ll go to bed early…

(Esmerelda stands up shakily and starts towards the stage exit, then suddenly clutches her throat and collapses.)

Ronalda: Esme? Esme? (She rushes to her friend’s side and feels for her pulse, then gasps.) S-she’s not breathing!

Nancina and Abigail: No! It can’t be!

(Everyone rushes to Esmerelda’s side, looking distraught. But then everyone freezes except for Abigail, and she stands up, facing the audience, looking surly.)

Abigail: Well, I for one don’t really mind if Esmerelda’s dead. She was always such a beautiful, perfect person… and then she had the nerve to steal my boyfriend! I just hope she’s a nicer person in the afterlife… (She flips her hair angrily, and then kneels down next to Esme again. Action resumes.)

Nancina: We have to call someone… quickly!

(Everyone stops again, except for Nancina, who stands up and faces the audience, looking shifty.)

Nancina: Of course, I’m sad she’s gone… but… she owed me money, you know. I lent her a lot once. And I couldn’t quite help noticing that she had a jewellery box sticking out of her bag… hmm… do you think it would be so bad if I took something? After all, it’s not like she’ll be needing it now… (Nancina shrugs, then sits back down next to Esme again.)

Ronalda: Abbie, run to the phone, please. Dial 999.

(Abbie nods, and exits stage. Nancina stands up.)

Nancina, (with a fake sorrowful expression) I’ll go and make c-coffee… for the shock.

(Nancina exits stage.)

(Ronalda stands up and turns to face the audience, looking sad.)

Ronalda: I just can’t believe she’s gone… even if she was a bit of a nuisance sometimes… oh, my… (She turns and looks towards the motionless form of Esme.) You know, I’m very short on cash right now, and Esme has always been so well-off… maybe if I just… (She kneels down next to Esme and rifles through her pockets. Finally, she stands up again, holding some banknotes in her fist.) There, that’ll see me through for a while. Sorry, Esme… you were a great friend.

(Ronalda exits stage, dragging Esme.)


Narrator: Esmerelda’s death has placed a shadow over the house. The phone lines are broken and snow is falling thick and fast. They have no other choice but to stay in the cottage, but tension is high and it seems the slightest thing might make the temporary peace snap… Who do you think is the murderer? (Faces audience.) Put your hand up if you think you know the answer… (Points at random people, listens to their replies, but gives nothing away.) Very good. Now, back to the story. Later that night, in the kitchen, Nancina and Ronalda get themselves a midnight snack.


(Ronalda is leaning against the wall, watching Nancina chop imaginary vegetables.)

Nancina: (Chopping) You seem sort of… nervous, Ronnie.

Ronalda: (Looking annoyed) I can’t very well help it, can I? I mean, one of us has to be the one who murdered Esme.

Nancina: (In a soothing voice) It could just have been an accident…

Ronalda: (Sighing) I don’t think so, Nancy. All I know is that it wasn’t me, and that leaves you or Abbie…

Nancina: (Sharply) Well, I know I didn’t do it. And you could be the one lying.

Ronalda: (Glaring suspiciously) Yeah, well, you could be lying too!

Nancina: (Chopping) Whatever you want to think, Ronnie. (Sighs, puts down the knife and starts eating.) Well, I’m going to bed. ‘Night…

Ronalda: G’night…

(Nancina exits stage. Ronalda eats a little from Nancina’s abandoned plate and then follows her off stage, yawning. There is a silence, and then a piercing scream!)


Narrator: Next morning, Nancina and Abigail wake up to an awful scene. At the bottom of the stairs lies a crumpled Ronalda. They put her body in the garage with Esmerelda’s, but now suspect that only one of the survivors can be the murderer…


(Nancina and Abigail are sitting at opposite sides of the stage, back to each other. Both keep glancing over their shoulder at each other. Abigail suddenly freezes, and Nancina stands up, facing the audience.)


Nancina: Now this… is scary. It’s just me and Abigail left in the house, and one of us has to be the murderer. It’s not me, so it must be her… but… what if it’s all a big accident or a mistake? I don’t know what to think. Poor Ronnie… but fancy her calling me a murderer last night! How could she? Surely, after spending her childhood with me, she knows that I’m not that kind of person! (She sighs.) Anyway, I’m keeping a knife on me at all times now. Abbie won’t get me that easy!


(Nancina sits down again. After a few moments, Nancina freezes. Abigail gets up and faces the audiences.)


Abigail: I can’t believe this. Nancina is a murderer. But she’s always been a better friend than the rest… maybe if I don’t let on that I know, she’ll spare me. If the worst comes to the worst, there’s a gun in my room… Oh, Ronnie! Ha! I’m glad you’re gone. You were a conniving little cow from the start, trying to steal Nancina and be her best friend instead… the tide has turned now, right? Hmph! (Abbie grins slightly, then sits back down.)


Narrator: The friends dine, read, and sit together all day. They watch each other closely, waiting for the other to spring. Yet, the day passes and turns into night. Still they sit, waiting for the conclusion.


Nancina: (Takes a deep breath, then sighs.) Errrrm, well. I… suppose I’m going to bed. Good night, Abbie.

Abigail: Good night, Nancy.

Nancina exits stage.

Abigail: I don’t think either of us will sleep a wink. Not that I would want to. I’ll stay here, and make sure she doesn’t get me in the night…

Abigail sits, her arms around her knees. Then, her head droops, and she starts snoring. She slumps into a lying position.


Narrator: The night passes slowly. Nothing but the creak of a door… and then…


(A loud scream by Nancina, off-stage. Abbie is still lying on the stage. Abigail jerks awake.)


Abigail, (raising her head:) Buh-wah? She rubs her eyes, groggily. I could’ve sworn I heard a… (She stiffens, and gets up, looking around.) Nancina? (She moves to the side of the stage, leans forwards, and then jumps back, clapping a hand over her mouth) Nancina is dead? But… she’s the murderer! Oh my Lord, she’s been stabbed… what in the world happened?

Lucia (enters stage.)

Lucia: My, Abigail. What a surprise…

Abigail: (Gasps) Lucia? W-what in the world are you doing here?

Lucia: (Sarcastically, in a voice dripping with malice) : Oh, I don’t know, Abbie. Taking a peek at this party… (Her voice changes to one of anger.) This one that I wasn’t invited to!

Abigail: (Teeth chattering) B-but Lucia, I h-heard you were in a m-mental institution… Oh, Lucia, I’m so sorry, I wanted to invite you but- (babbling.)

Lucia: For a school friend… you are not very loyal. (She raises a stick and starts advancing.) Now perish like the rest of your friends!

Abigail: N-no! (She stumbles backwards, then draws her own stick.) You won’t get me! I’ll g-get you!

(Lucia and Abigail hit their sticks together a few times. Then, Abigail drives her stick into Lucia’s chest (in a way that doesn’t actually hurt her). Lucia falls backwards, gasping for air.)

Lucia: Abbie… you treacherous whale… (she rasps, and then lolls her head to the side, closing her eyes.)

Abigail: Oh my God, I can’t believe I just… killed someone… (She drops the stick and falls to her knees.)

(A Policeman charges through the door.)Madam, madam! Are you alright? We heard there was a murder!

Abigail: (Looking up at him bleakly.) There was… but I think it’s over…

(The policeman helps her to her feet. They exit stage, dragging Lucia)


Narrator : The Murder Mystery has been solved, but three of the friends are dead. Life resumes, slowly, but it’s a while before anyone goes to stay in the little mountain cottage again. Those who do are said to speak of wailing ghosts, and arguing spirits. After a while the cottage is shut down and boarded up, but the memory of Nancina, Ronalda, Esmerelda and Lucia lives on.


(All of the cast file onto the stage, take a bow, and then leave.)

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