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What's happened to Dempsey's (and the gay scene)

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True, it's never been the most glamorous haunt...


But it used to be I could go in there of a weekend and recognise loads of people! It used to be packed and it used to be gay!!


I went in this weekend and it was quiet and like a game of spot the gay person! Spotted a couple of girls I knew and they thought the same.


There were hardly any regognisable faces. That's what you get for being loyal to a place. Sod that. Came away feeling like a freak. There is obviously not much place in Sheffield for gay people. How sad that the gay scene was better 15 years ago. Shouldn't it have improved?


Manchester here we come


What are your thoughts? (Discussion only - no nasty replies please) Apologies if there has been a similar. Although I joined nearly a year ago I haven't been on much until now)


:) x x

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I may be wrong but I think the crowd have migrated to Lions Lare...Seems like everyone goes there as a warm up to Fuel...and on Saturdays Lions Lare is open from 2.30am-6am, which is awesome. I was in there a fortnight ago; great atmosphere and it was packed. I actually had my wallet stolen that night, but hey it was still good!


I do love Dempseys though...

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Well I was in Dempseys on Friday (although I rarely go on Fridays, but for some strange reason I did, although I cannot remember much) (was a bit tipsy :o ). It was a bit quiet and new certainly new faces.


But when I go on either a Saturday, Wednesday or a rare Sunday the people dont seem to change, same old faces, although must say I rarely see any lesbians at all now, I did notice one night on a weekend that Lions lair was full of lesbians so maybe they gone there now.


Also notice Xes has changed faces alot, I hardly recognise anyone there now.


They say a change is as good as a rest. :)

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is it that lots of places are now regaurded as "gay friendly" where before gay people of both sexes would not have gone, now feel that they will not be victimised for being gay so dempseys and fuel are seeing a downturn in business.


But i dont think this is a bad thing, surely it just means that most places and the people who go in these places will not discriminate against anyone

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Dunno about ''gay friendly'' though. The owners may say that, but if I were to sit hand in hand and maybe kiss my partner in 99% of the bars, we'd get funny looks. It's abut how comfortable you feel I guess, but can't say I did in there this week.... especially after being eyed up by bloke after kissing my partner. lol :rolleyes:

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Three of us (gay guys) went to Dempseys on Saturday and we had a very good night. Bumped into some people we hadn't seen in ages. There was alot of young guys in Dempseys who claimed they were "straight" and one of them in a pink and grey stripped jumper was def under age, he looked about 14/15 and had a pint in his hand.


The upstairs bar staff were very friendly but the staff on the downstairs bar had the face on that night for some reason.

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Three of us (gay guys) went to Dempseys on Saturday and we had a very good night. Bumped into some people we hadn't seen in ages. There was alot of young guys in Dempseys who claimed they were "straight" and one of them in a pink and grey stripped jumper was def under age, he looked about 14/15 and had a pint in his hand.


The upstairs bar staff were very friendly but the staff on the downstairs bar had the face on that night for some reason.



probably cos its closer to fuel than upstairs.

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