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Britain is responsible for all the ills of the World?

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This is a fairly new and disturbing little trend.

We were in America to visit my family late last year, and my Dad, American but always very pro-Britain, suddenly piped up with how litigation culture and political correctness had come to America from Britain, and how bad that was. I told him they were generally considered by Britons to be American imports.

In the end we decided to agree to disagree, but mostly I was surprised...it was a whole new take on the UK/US relationship to me.

At first I thought it was just one of my Dad's things, but this makes it look like a more widespread little germ of 'Britain Must be to Blame' is doing the rounds. Anything not to have to look too close to home for fault, I guess...

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This guy should be arrested under the terrorist laws, if an afghanistani/iranian published a book "how america...", he's inciting racial hatred (might not be a crime in america though - i don't know)

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Totally agree - but look at how nations like Belgium and France handled their colonies in Africa. Or Japan in the Far East.


We had slaves - as did the Arabs, French, Belgians, the Americans themselves.


In those days it's what people did, I guess - build empires. :) But how people RAN them made a difference, and as an Imperial Power I think we were hard to beat.


and if i'm correct we were also the first to see the errors of our ways and abolish slavery. not that you'd guess by some of the wages paid today

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Grasse's nonsense is yet another example of what might be termed the 'monocausal blame paradigm', i.e. the idea that there is a single cause for all of the world's ills. This paradigm has a very long genealogy. In modern history, we can for example cite anti-semitism ('the Jews are to blame for everything'; anti-Freemasonry (no, its the Freemasons); anti-capitalism (no it isn't its the capitalist system (yawn); anti-US hegemonism; anti-globalisation; or the Lizard conspiracy. We even see a version of it on this forum in relation to a particular Prime Minister.


Some of the purveyors of such nonsense are clearly mad (Icke); others are just very stupid or ignorant; many are probably both. Some, however, are clearly having us on. In particular, I think Warden Sparrow's idea that there is a causal connection between the appearance of beards and the decline of civilisation probably falls into this category (i.e. that the ancient Greek civilisation and the Roman empire both started going downhill when the Greeks and Romans started sporting beards) - at least I think Sparrow was joking. Grasse may of course be mad, stupid and ignorant. But he could also be a clever con man who has hit on a wheeze to make money from publishing, lecturing and TV appearances by making an outrageous claim (he wouldn't have been on Richard and Judy if he had written a sober tome on the impact of Britain in the contemporary world).

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Grasse's nonsense is yet another example of what might be termed the 'monocausal blame paradigm', i.e. the idea that there is a single cause for all of the world's ills. This paradigm has a very long genealogy. In modern history, we can for example cite anti-semitism ('the Jews are to blame for everything'; anti-Freemasonry (no, its the Freemasons); anti-capitalism (no it isn't its the capitalist system (yawn); anti-US hegemonism; anti-globalisation; or the Lizard conspiracy. We even see a version of it on this forum in relation to a particular Prime Minister.


Some of the purveyors of such nonsense are clearly mad (Icke); others are just very stupid or ignorant; many are probably both. Some, however, are clearly having us on. In particular, I think Warden Sparrow's idea that there is a causal connection between the appearance of beards and the decline of civilisation probably falls into this category (i.e. that the ancient Greek civilisation and the Roman empire both started going downhill when the Greeks and Romans started sporting beards) - at least I think Sparrow was joking. Grasse may of course be mad, stupid and ignorant. But he could also be a clever con man who has hit on a wheeze to make money from publishing, lecturing and TV appearances by making an outrageous claim (he wouldn't have been on Richard and Judy if he had written a sober tome on the impact of Britain in the contemporary world).


I believe this fits in with my earlier comments on this thread: Quote from Post #16:


"The whole thing's absolute codswallop. The 'author' is just a Yank with a chip on his shoulder out to make a name for himself quickly, and rake in the bucks while people like you are publicising his crap. I bet he's laughing himself silly"


I just hope no-one takes this bozo seriously.... :help:



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I believe this fits in with my earlier comments on this thread: Quote from Post #16:


"The whole thing's absolute codswallop. The 'author' is just a Yank with a chip on his shoulder out to make a name for himself quickly, and rake in the bucks while people like you are publicising his crap. I bet he's laughing himself silly"


I just hope no-one takes this bozo seriously.... :help:




He is obviously intent on making money, StarSparkle, that's for sure. :)


I'm not "publicising" the man particularly in starting this thread, he had already been on a nationwide radio show, had an article about his ideas written in a national newspaper, and since then he has, apparently appeared on the Richard and Judy Show. but without a phone-in vote to get the viewers response! :hihi:


Personally I sail in the good ship "Brittania" and remain proud to carry on doing so. :thumbsup:

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  • 3 years later...

Well, it appears that Steven A. Grasse, the author of 'The Evil Empire - 101 Ways England Ruined the World' has set up the International Coalition for British Reparations:




The coalition is demanding that Britain pay 31 trillion pounds to all the people in the world affected by the evils of the British Empire. I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Amongst all the other anti british drivel, aparently we're to blame for the ills of the Soviet Union because . . . . wait for it . . . . we invented the machine gun ??????!!!????


Have a look at the video here:




These are the ramblings of one serious crackpot.

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