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Whats your ISP  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. Whats your ISP

    • BT Openworld/Broadband/Internet
    • Freeserve
    • AOL
    • Pipex
    • Cable Provider
    • Other (please state)

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We're currently with Freeserve / Wannadoooooo broadband, although I hate the company for how awful they are to their staff.

Also, we have just found out through reading some small print that they are secretly scrapping the old broadband at around the end of july, and are going to give all customers only limited time on the internet each day, or charge them extra. What a pleasant, caring company! Wannadoo anything on the internet? Don't wannaget Wannadoo broadband!!

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Really really unhappy with Tascali but I'm locked in for a years contract (£15 p month).


My advice is DON'T select Tascali. I keep getting booted out and end up having to redial all the time (about 3 times every MINUTE at times !!!). I get so fed up re-retrying that I just give up. It's a waste of money and time for me.

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Can anyone just give me some advie on the whole bandwidth thing..e.g with plusnet you get 512k broadband for £14.99 with free 1gb bandwidth..just what does it all mean..I know the 512k bit but the bandwidth thing confuses me...why would I need extra bandwidth

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free 1gb bandwidth..just what does it all mean..


Think that means you'll be restricted to downloading 1Gb of data a month - essentially a "cap".


I was with BT back in the dial up days before they cut me off for "excessive usage" - which I wasn't anywhere close to being!!!!


Then was with Pipex for 512k broadband. Thoroughly impressed (esp in relation to BT!), they set it up quick, customer service was great and don't recall ever having any downtime. They said my IP address would be dynamic, but I had the same one for 2 and half years - a bit of a help for certain things.


Moved house last year and have gone with 512k broadband from Zen - they ROCK!. Competitive pricing, no cap, don't have to buy their modem, eight static IP addresses (still haven't seen this offered by any other ISP and is a big plus if you want to do have web/mail server(s) at home), not aware of any downtime at all yet.


Keep having the BlueYonder people try to get me to switch to cable (which I am tempted by occasionally), but if I recall correctly, they only offer 128k upstream (on all their broadband). I do stand to be corrected and this could have changed. Uplink speed is an important consideration for anyone who runs web/mail servers at home though.


I'd recommend Pipex to anyone and Zen (for those who may benefit from static IP addresses).

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When we lived in Hillsborough, I used Telewest/BlueYonder cable and it was great. Since moving to Nether Edge where there's no cable, we've used FreedomToSurf (http://www.f2s.com) ADSL 1MB via the BT phoneline and it has been fine. At £35.24 a month, it's on a par with what we used to pay for 512KB BlueYonder. The service has been excellent, only twice had to phone their support desk and the response was terrific. You get a domain name, up to 20 e-mail addresses (with spam filtering), a static IP address, and a web site. You don't have to sign up for a year or anything, it's done on a monthly basis.

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  • 1 year later...

I am with BT Yahoo (for the moment) my year is up soon, and I have had a few problems with them,..... but since I`ve moved the router into the bedroom and I am the only one plugged into it, it seems better, I am no longer going through a long piece of wood nailed to the walls, going past the bathroom and into the living room.

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