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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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I'll call a halt to it, as far as I'm concerned.


Fair enough, no point in a slanging match and apologies if I made it too personal.


The point I was making is that a significant number of drivers are not as considerate as you and do not leave enough room on the pavement.


A couple of wheels on the kerb does little harm, but it's a complete pain when you're trying to squeeze between a wing mirror and a privet every five yards. Agreed, having to "deviate from a straight line" is no big deal, but one shouldn't have to step into a bus lane to get past a parked car. The kerb is there to demarcate the road and the pavement and is there for good reason.

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Fair enough, no point in a slanging match and apologies if I made it too personal.

To paraphrase your words... You did. It wasn't. ;)


Apology accepted, thank you. Incidentally, I have no argument whatever with your point in this instance.

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For those of you who have just joined this thread, here is an update, it started off as a valid complaint about cars being cars on pavements, generally supported by people who use prams and wheelchairs.


It is Illegal to park cars on pavements unless otherwise permitted, so they had a valid point, but it also puts our most vulnerable at risk, the women/children/disabled/elderly as they have to dodge traffic to avoid a parked car.


Then there were remarks made (myself included, although just in jest) about seeking revenge by playing pranks, which progressed to damaging property, which is also an illegal offence and out of order.


Then the trolls arrived and all the decent folk ran for the hills, the road rage rapid respose crew rallied to fend off the trolls, but being trolls themselves and having quite a limited volcabulary, decided to give up on diplomacy and started a war.

Harsh words were catapulted back and forth in an imalgimated mass of broken grammar and random slang, until time itself stopped.


Back in reality we still have too many cars on the street, and pavement, the vulnerable are still risking life and limb to get a pint of milk, and there are a few ppl with some serious anger issues sat at there machines, feeling either satisfied or miffed at the whole affair.


God bless em

Oh dear, I trust that this totally transparent house of yours can withstand rocky projectiles, hurled from within? ;)

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Oh dear, I trust that this totally transparent house of yours can withstand rocky projectiles, hurled from within? ;)


Priceless isn't it? Reminds me of the guy in Pulp Fiction who bursts into the room shouting "die mother f*****s" and promptly misses with every shot.


I'm off to bed.

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(myself included, although just in jest)



Mock on, mock on, Voltaire, Rousseau:

Mock on, mock on: ‘tis all in vain!

You throw the sand against the wind,

And the wind blows it back again.


And every sand becomes a Gem,

Reflected in the beam divine;

Blown back they blind the mocking Eye,

But still in Israel’s paths they shine.


The Atoms of Democritus

And the Newton’s Particles of Light

Are sands upon the Red Sea shore,

Where Israel’s tents do shine so bright.

"William Blake"


'tis a wise man that mocks a man, 'tis the mocked man that mocks the mocker.

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Then there were remarks made (myself included, although just in jest) about seeking revenge by playing pranks, which progressed to damaging property, which is also an illegal offence and out of order.


Those remarks started on page 1, you didn't post your contribution until mid page 2...

I think you give yourself entirely too much credit for attracting other people to the thread, and for intelligence if you think that people who don't like the (not at all joke like) posts advocating various forms of criminal damage are trolls.

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well i'm about to report at least two cars loacl to me for parking on the grass verge.

last year the councile "re-instated" the verge with topsoil, grass seed and 2 of the houses planted trees in a manner that suggested they were ticked off witht the neighbours parking cars on the verge.

the "nice" neighbours have moved on and the grass verges are now a pigsty again.


today is the day for a written complaint after i've complained verbally.


and before anyone asks. no i don't have anything better to do.

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i hate this! when i pick my son up from school, often a car or van is parked over the path completely blocking it off. So i have walk on the road with my pram and my older son to get around it, i think its rude knowing people are coming from school with there kids and forcing them to walk on the road at such a busy time of day.

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On the contrary you seem to be suggesting that criminal damage is acceptable, so I think questioning morals is perfectly valid.

I don't condone parking on the pavement, but criminal damage is more serious, as Tony pointed out earlier the consequences imposed by the law are significantly greater.


I'm still not clear on your answer, do two wrongs make a right, or don't they?


I have never suggested that crminal damage is acceptable. If I have please point out where and I will delete the post as it is not a view that I hold.


If you are to push me to answer your question about two wrongs making a right I would say that that I don't condone either offence of obstructing the pavement (thus putting pedestrian safety at risk) or criminal damage to property by someone who has been angered by the first offence.


I'd also say that I personally feel that the first offence is the most serious, and I would expect anyone who values human life over property to feel the same. However I understand that this is not the case in law, but then the law is very often an ass, isn't it.


Now perhaps you will answer my point of why you have felt the need (twice in this thread now) of why you have felt it acceptable and necessary to atribute views to me that I have not expressed,and why you have felt the need to question my upbringing?

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