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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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Please be very careful with advocating criminal damage on Sheffield Forum- we do have a number of police officers who read the forum you know.


I.e. Do not confess. I for instance have many a time said 'no comment' to car wingmirrors. :hihi:

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The police attitude or thinking on this issue is to only consider it a problem if there is insufficient room left to get a pram through. As far as dropped kerbs go it isn't an offence to park across one which is why disabled groups would like to see centtral government passing a law that means all dropped kerbs have double yellow lines across them.

I have never seen a police officer going along a road with a lot of badly parked vehicles and give every last one of them a ticket and I know plenty of roads where the parking most definitely doesn't leave sufficient room for a pram.

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On the contrary, you all go ahead and confess, I'd be amused if you all got charged.


Would you also be amused by some mum and her pram being wiped out by a passing car whilst walking on the road because there's no d*mn room on the pavement? If my child's pram scrapes down a car while I'm trying to squeeze past, it's no-one's fault but the person's who parked the car illegally in the first place.

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Tesco Ecclesall Road car park! Far side (western end, closest to Coffee Revolution), there is a strip of mud/grass by the wall, then a path, then the parking spaces, and at least once a week someone (usually a big expensive looking car) will park right up to the muddy part of the area completely blocking the path.


I am fortunate enough to be able to just think "what an inconsiderate idiot" and walk on the mud, but I have seen women with children in prams struggle to get past (had to help one get round once).


These aren't even long cars, they have a metre of space behind them at the front of the parking space, but they're too laxy to stop short of the pedestrian path.



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My late father , who was blind , used to have terrible trouble with parked cars. Although his guide dog would lead him round , it sometimes left him with bruises from bashing into wing mirrors. But worst of all was bin day , mainly after the council had emptied them. We rang the council numerous times , which unfortunately had no effect.:rant:

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