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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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Would you also be amused by some mum and her pram being wiped out by a passing car whilst walking on the road because there's no d*mn room on the pavement? If my child's pram scrapes down a car while I'm trying to squeeze past, it's no-one's fault but the person's who parked the car illegally in the first place.


No I wouldn't.

But if you deliberately scrape a car, or as someone else suggested kick it then it's criminal damage not an accident.

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The answer is not to scrape someone's vehicle deliberately if you don't have to as it's only done for an act of revenge and it's not going to solve anything but your temper, but if it's a choice of go into a busy road with a vulnerable child or risk scratching a vehicle, then scratch the vehicle. It's a no-brainer and you'd be an irresponsible parent if you did put a child at risk.

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Perhaps it is time for the council's parking attendants to be given the power to ticket drivers parking on the pavement. And why not give bus drivers the power to ticket vehicles parked in designated bus stops ? - I'm sure this would add significantly to their job satisfaction :)


The police don't seem inclined to do anythig about it and anyway they have far more serious matters to attend to.

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If we do have a number of PO's who read the SF, can you please do something about the cars & black cabs that park on the pavement near the top of SHARROW LANE, no they are not necessarily commuters cars, as they are parked there at night, they probably belong to whoever lives there & what's more annoying is they allow their hedges to grow out onto the pavement, I nearly had my eye ripped out the other day trying to negotiate my way passed.


It was interesting to see that someone had cut down some branches & placed them on top of a car which was parked on one 'offenders' drive, then to see the debris scattered all over the pavement for people to trip over.



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Perhaps the blindingly obvious solution might be to allow domestic pets to ticket vehicles illegally parked on the pavement. Most of us are out at work all day, whereas the average domestic cat will spend many hours wandering the suburban streets and gardens and, as an observant animal, is likely to spot illegally parked vehicles almost immediately. Okay, they may need some training with ticket issuing, but I’m sure that wouldn’t be much of a problem.


Just imagine if Sheffield were to become the first city to appoint a crack squad of feline parking attendants! Wouldn’t that make you proud of our city?

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Perhaps the blindingly obvious solution might be to allow domestic pets to ticket vehicles illegally parked on the pavement. Most of us are out at work all day, whereas the average domestic cat will spend many hours wandering the suburban streets and gardens and, as an observant animal, is likely to spot illegally parked vehicles almost immediately. Okay, they may need some training with ticket issuing, but I’m sure that wouldn’t be much of a problem.


Just imagine if Sheffield were to become the first city to appoint a crack squad of feline parking attendants! Wouldn’t that make you proud of our city?

Naaah!! We'd see squashed moggies all over the place. :|

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