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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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Please be very careful with advocating criminal damage on Sheffield Forum- we do have a number of police officers who read the forum you know.


Surely then its an offence to park on the pavement, if so why arent these "police officers" doing something about it, oh i forgot its only some daft woman with a pram :rant::rant:

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i always park on the pavement its much easier to get tools into a house the closer you can get . :)

also there is never any room to park on the road anymore every house has 3 cars now a days .


So how would you feel if some person had to take a pram/wheelchair on the road to accomodate you, and got knocked over by the other selfish ignorant motorist :mad:

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Would you also be amused by some mum and her pram being wiped out by a passing car whilst walking on the road because there's no d*mn room on the pavement? If my child's pram scrapes down a car while I'm trying to squeeze past, it's no-one's fault but the person's who parked the car illegally in the first place.


Totally agree with that, but i dont think we would get any positive response if reading some of the posts on here is anything to go by, another sign of the selfish ignorant society we are living in today, where a persons life means nothing

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Surely then its an offence to park on the pavement, if so why arent these "police officers" doing something about it, oh i forgot its only some daft woman with a pram :rant::rant:


To park a car on a public pavement is an offence and the vehicle is causing an obstruction, which means it can be towed away :D


I had the misfortune to try and negotiate Proctor Place yesterday on my way out of work and there were 4 cars straddling the double yellow lines and parked half on the pavement. I must apologise to the red one who's wing mirror was slightly pushed in, it was caused by me trying to negotiate a really heavy shopping bag through a 30cm gap left.

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I dont suppose anything would be done about it when people are breaking the law every day, ie using phones in cars, parking on double yellow lines wherever they want to, parking on zebra crossings (nearly) getting silly fines for speeding, who said "the laws an ass" knew what they were talking about sadly :(

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