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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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It appears that a growing tendency of car drivers believe that they have the right to use part of the pavement when parking their car.


This can and does obstruct those who are confined to a wheelchair from using that section of pavement. It obstruct those pushing young children in prams, and can be a means of inflicting injury to pedestrians who catch the cars wing mirror.


What is the legal position on this type of parking? and does the cars third party insurance cover those who are injuryed by a wing mirror?





WALK ROUND :rant::rant::rant:



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Good or considerate parking is pretty much a thing of the past. Everyone seems to be in such a hurry these days, they abandon there vehicle without much thought as to wether it might be causing an obstruction or double parking I bet most of todays young drivers don't even know the meaning of double parking). And what about pulling up at night on the wrong side of the road, and waiting with headlights on blinding everyone comoing toward them.

Oh well, that's my little rant over, I feel better now.


I like your comment, double parking is a problem some people dont think about.


They also dont realise headlights aim more to the left than the right so not to dazzle oncoming traffic.

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It appears that a growing tendency of car drivers believe that they have the right to use part of the pavement when parking their car.


This can and does obstruct those who are confined to a wheelchair from using that section of pavement. It obstruct those pushing young children in prams, and can be a means of inflicting injury to pedestrians who catch the cars wing mirror.


What is the legal position on this type of parking? and does the cars third party insurance cover those who are injuryed by a wing mirror?



WALK ROUND THE CAR :rant::rant:


Dear me whats wrong with people these days


WALK ROUND :rant::rant::rant:





What is the legal position on this type of parking? and does the cars third party insurance cover those who are injuryed by a wing mirror?


Might I ask what injury is likely to be injured by walking into a wing mirror? a brused arm, admitted if the wing mirror clatters your goolies it could be painfull.


Why would you want compensation for a brused arm?

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Anyone letting tyres down would think twice if they had their eye blackened, not that I'm suggesting anything of course.



I've let tyres down a few times on people who can't park properly and I don't have any black eyes?? It's funny watching from my living room window seeing the frustration on the drivers face when they think they've got a flat so they are late for work after having to change the tyre. That'll teach em to park properly :D

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Anyone letting tyres down would think twice if they had their eye blackened, not that I'm suggesting anything of course.

anyone blacking eyes because theyre tyres had been let down would think twice if they were murdered and fed to the ducks, not that i am suggesting anything of course.

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anyone blacking eyes because theyre tyres had been let down would think twice if they were murdered and fed to the ducks, not that i am suggesting anything of course.





Anyone murdering anyone and then feeding the body parts to the ducks would think twice, if someone called them a complete prat while standing at pond side



NOt that I'm suggesting anything of course

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