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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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Lets calm this thread down a little


I live on a street thats a busy B road with wide pavements. As someone who drives down it, parks on it and walks along it I can say that parking on a straddle over the road and pavement helps the road andhinders noone.


But there are roads where this isnt suited and so lets give examples of problems if we want to complain rather than have one person coming from one road and another coming from a different one.

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You really think that it's "common sense" to park illegally? I'd have classed that as selfish and, as it could result in a fine, extremely stupid as well.


The "pubescent little girl" didn't say anything about slashing tyres - she talked about letting down the tyres.


I really don't think you are in a position to comment on anybody else's "metalty" (sic), considering the difficulty you seem to have in comprehending the written word.


I'll block the whole damn road in then shall I.... Woooohooo a fine, Get me on the FBI's most wanted list! Letting down tyres by whatever means is vandalism and dangerous..... Your attitude is totally contradictory.


Apologies in advance for any typos and spelling errors!

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WALK ROUND THE CAR :rant::rant:


Dear me whats wrong with people these days


WALK ROUND :rant::rant::rant:





What is the legal position on this type of parking? and does the cars third party insurance cover those who are injuryed by a wing mirror?


Might I ask what injury is likely to be injured by walking into a wing mirror? a brused arm, admitted if the wing mirror clatters your goolies it could be painfull.


Why would you want compensation for a brused arm?


A most peculiar way to look at matters of public interest.


If you was using a fully insured, out of doors, electric wheelchair, which you had bought for £4,000 - 6000. Would that be your reaction?


Before you answer remember:- It could easily be you or one of your family in the wheel chair.

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It appears that a growing tendency of car drivers believe that they have the right to use part of the pavement when parking their car.


This can and does obstruct those who are confined to a wheelchair from using that section of pavement. It obstruct those pushing young children in prams, and can be a means of inflicting injury to pedestrians who catch the cars wing mirror.


What is the legal position on this type of parking? and does the cars third party insurance cover those who are injuryed by a wing mirror?


I'd like to see you try to prove that one.

Whilst you're at it can you sue the sofa that I stubbed my toe on, and the tree that I bumped into, the kerb I didn't see and also a leaf that blew into my eye.

Good luck. :hihi:

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Well, I part with two wheels on the pavement outside my house, as do most of my neighbours. If we didn't, nothing larger than a small car would be able to get through. No ambulances, no fire engines, no post vans. I always leave room for people to get past my car. People need to get a grip.

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