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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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The Highway Code, sections 241 to 243 should help clarify the issue.


Please enlighten us - I don't happen to have a copy of the highway code to hand. The question is relating to all those people who park carefully, not blocking the pavement or the road. Will they now face a fine ?

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Please enlighten us - I don't happen to have a copy of the highway code to hand. The question is relating to all those people who park carefully, not blocking the pavement or the road. Will they now face a fine ?




Look at 244. London has it's own bit. :o


P.S also 248, (god I'm bored :hihi:) Wardens could have a field day with that if they worked at night!

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Fascinating reading. . . but it only says you must not block the pavement. which is obvious. what about all the roads round Hunters bar ? people have to park half on the kerb. does this give the odious pigs the right to give tickets to anyone who's car is partly on the pavement ?

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Fascinating reading. . . but it only says you must not block the pavement. which is obvious. what about all the roads round Hunters bar ? people have to park half on the kerb. does this give the odious pigs the right to give tickets to anyone who's car is partly on the pavement ?


Most cities, but Sheffield in particular are suffering from this problem over parking, most people do their best by 'sensible' off road parking avoiding total blockage of the pavement. People usually do try to cope when their elected leaders fail to plan for such problems.

It does seem more and more, that instead of planning and problem solving the only answer these Councillors can come up with is to fine people.

Fines do not bother some, some peple have loads of money and laugh at such fines, most of us however work hard for our living we pay our taxes, in this country, and get penalised because our leaders cannot manage to plan properly.

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Parking on the pavement is an odious practice. As a wheelchair user who has been forced into the road due to pavement parkers and who has a niece who is partially sighted and frequently has injuries due to bumping into parked cars I think it's time something was done. Why should we face injuries because people don't park on the road. I've had to back track miles because of a car blocking the pavement or go into the road. My wheelchair only goes about 6mph and it's pretty scary being in fast flowing traffic. Cars are often parcked next to a street light so the space is tiny. Partially sighted may see the general shape of the car if it's bright coloured but they don't see the side mirrors. Many cars parked on the pavement are because the householder has a second car. If you can afford a second car maybe you should move to somewhere that has parking for it. Or try car sharing and do away with the 2nd car and make a healthier enviroment.

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I must of missed it but where is the article about the council planning to start fining people as surely there must be some sort of official statement explainging the issues.

I also thought it was a police matter when vehicles block the pavement although I suppose if the cars are damaging the paving then it may be a council issue. The police therefore supposedly only take action if the vehicle is stopping a buggy or wheelchair getting past. I attended a seminar a time ago with a knowledgeable police officer in attendance and I remember him talking about this very subject.

There are some reasons why pavement parking might be done but I've noticed an increasing number of times when to be up on the kerb isn't needed, sheer laziness with some people who don't want to walk more than ten paces to get to their destination or can't be bothered to use their driveway.

Maybe the answer is smaller cars , Hee hee Hee.

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The article was headlining yesterday's 'Star'.

The Police will only take action if an offence is being commited, or the situation is a danger; this is of course assuming they have the time.

The council will fine people because:

1. it is an easy option.

2. they will make loadsa money.

Duckweed says... Parking on the pavement is an odious practice. As a wheelchair user who has been forced into the road due to pavement parkers.

Yes some people park without thought or care, but most people need to park their car somewhere, all this council can come up with is fines, not very helpful.

Many home visiting nurses for instance need to visit disabled people, they need to be able to park, sometimes using the pavement is the most logical solution, so long as it causes no obstruction.

Police cars sometimes park on the pavement, and not always for emergencies.

The chief constable of Merseyside, a few years ago now, used to park his Jag on a grass island when visiting Anfield for the footie, that is until he came back one afternoon to find it without wheels.

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Oh joy! Oh rapture! The SCC FINALLY do something right. Please, please stop our lives being such an nightmare and come down hard on those that park in inappropriate places.


Those who block the pavements and cause the blind to stumble and fall. Those who park on school zig-zags and put childrens lives at risk. Those who block gates and entrances so emergency vehicles can't get in. All of the above happen in my road EVERY day by nearly 2 dozen regular offenders which so far Parking Services and the Police have avoided doing anything about. And we are supposed to be in a Parking Permit area.


Good on you SCC! The sooner the better. Although, I somehow feel this is going to be another let down. Oh well.

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Now then I know there is already a lot of controversy about this parking extortion being wrought upon us by those hideous communist relics AKA Sheffield Council. . .


BUT one thing that worries me the most, is that they plan to fine people who are parked on the pavement. Well sometimes it isn't appropriate, but in many many roads in Sheffield, all cars have to park with 2 wheels up on the kerb, to make it possible for others to drive past safely, and also there is no question of blocking the pavement, there is usually ample room for pedestrians. So is there any clarification available, or is it up to the Big Brother with his cameras and the single - cell amoebas known as the parking enforcement, driving their fiesta van around, to decide what is appropriate ???


Doesn't it depend on whether the pavement is a legally adopted highway?

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