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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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If the council used the revinue raised to widen roads so people could park safley on them it would be a good Idea but these cretins in the council just see a quick buck to get the budget back on track after they have squandered the council tax on hair brained schemes that go over budget.


The first time a life is lost due to this we should vote the lot out.

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Now then I know there is already a lot of controversy about this parking extortion being wrought upon us by those hideous communist relics AKA Sheffield Council. . .


BUT one thing that worries me the most, is that they plan to fine people who are parked on the pavement. Well sometimes it isn't appropriate, but in many many roads in Sheffield, all cars have to park with 2 wheels up on the kerb, to make it possible for others to drive past safely, and also there is no question of blocking the pavement, there is usually ample room for pedestrians. So is there any clarification available, or is it up to the Big Brother with his cameras and the single - cell amoebas known as the parking enforcement, driving their fiesta van around, to decide what is appropriate ???

The only time l would fine people [it would be heavy] would be when a person with a pram can't pass without going on to the road, l have seen this many times and think it's diabolical Cheers Arthur.
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If the council used the revinue raised to widen roads so people could park safley on them it would be a good Idea but these cretins in the council just see a quick buck to get the budget back on track after they have squandered the council tax on hair brained schemes that go over budget.


The first time a life is lost due to this we should vote the lot out.


Many roads can't be widened without adversely affecting frontage property. Widening roads is immensely expensive, parking enforcement isn't THAT lucrative.


Parking rules are the same, no matter which political party is in power.

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I can't see how they can widen the streets such as the ones in Heeley. Also in my street delivery vans etc often park across from our house so we have to park further down as otherwise essential services would not have access. Unfortunately that also often means cars parking close to the back ramp and so we can't get the wheelchair out either. I don't know what the answer is but I know it can't be by causing hasards and obstruction to pedestrians. I think Heeley should possibly have a local parking permit

scheme so at least they could clear away all that terrible parking everytime United plays at home.

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If the council used the revinue raised to widen roads so people could park safley on them it would be a good Idea but these cretins in the council just see a quick buck to get the budget back on track after they have squandered the council tax on hair brained schemes that go over budget.


The first time a life is lost due to this we should vote the lot out.


So who are you to call people who work for the Council "cretins"? Someone who can't spell simple words like "safely" and "revenue". So you would know how to manage a multi-million pound budget would you???? :loopy:


If you knew anything about local government you would be aware that in recent years the national government has given more and more responsibilties to local councils without always giving them the required funding. Added to this some clever dick called Gershon thinks that savings can be made year on year and expects more to be done with the same money or the same to be done with less money. When inflation is taken into account, this puts every Council under pressure.


Parking enforcement is NOT about making money, it's about keeping the streets safe and trying to control traffic congestion. The fact is - all motorists have an opportunity to park legally - they just need to understand the signs & lines and look for them when they park to make sure they do so legally. Unfortunately there is a significant minority of people who either can't be bothered or are willing to take the risk that they will get away with parking illegally, rather than parking legally and walking a few yards to their ultimate destination.

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I live at Frecheville, apart from the fact that each night there are usually 5 white vans parked on the road where I live, I do have to admit however that 4 of them are parked on the road which is I suppose is quite legal although they are a nightmare because they are parked within a distance of about 150metres and it is a complete hell to drive on the road because of them. One of these vans parks on the grass verge so close to the footpath that his wing mirror, which on these vans is quite big, overhangs the footpath so that in the dark unless you are very carefull you will get your bloody head knocked off. In my opinion the Council are doing the right thing if ever it happens, but how many times have you read about these schemes in The Star then never hear about it again?

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Where I live we have not had a problem till around 7 years ago we always parked on one side of the road and there wasnt a problem, however now there is , people are parking on the pavement and causing problems while I apprecaite there are problems parking the problem is not helped by


  • I must park outside my house brigade
    I must leave at least half a cars length both front and back
    I must have 3 vehicles at this address even though there is only one licence holder in the house
    People who only use there car for , on average 20 minites a week


I always end up with a car outside my house even though I dont park there it just leaves a gap for some incodsiderate sole, gates are blocked on bin days and there are access problems.


I dont really know what the solution is , if we encourage people to use public transport then there cars will still be outside

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As someone who parks partly on the pavement this thread is of interest to me. But I keep reading posts I think we can remove from this thread or make more relevant.


People talk about emergency vehicles being blocked if you have to park on the road where they live. I would imagine that these roads would have double yellows painted on them at the same time as the new rules coming into play to prevent this. As this would be bad to the residents, does anyone have any information about this?


I keep seeing posts about cars blocking wheelchair and pram access. Lets have a last and for all bash and closing these comments down. Although I understand that there are selfish people out there who do this and it is a real problem. I don’t think anyone complaining on this thread about the new rules is actually wanting to be allowed to do this. We are people parking considerately to other road users and not obstructing the pavement users. Do we all agree?


Lastly does anyone have any information about if these rules are going to come into play or not and when and any other details?

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Lastly does anyone have any information about if these rules are going to come into play or not and when and any other details?


As I stated earlier in this thread, the new contraventions are available to Councils to use with effect from 31 March 2008. However, the Department for Transport are still working out how they expect Councils to inform motorists about these restrictions. They are expected to come up with a recommended sign to be erected at locations where the restriction is to be enforced.


You can expect publicity from the Council when all this has been agreed and they are ready to enforce.

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