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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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I live in a terraced house and as i dont drive you should see where my neigbours park there cars right outside my front door we have had to start using the backdoor to get out because of the cars parked on the pavements. but it doesnt end there we have cars parked on our front by people who use the pub and they have got a big car park. there was a accident outside our house 3 weeks ago a argos lorry was coming down the main street and because of the cars and vans what was parked on our main road, he hit one of them and pushed it nearly in to my mates front door if it had been my front door then my 3 year old son would have copped it as he plays at the back of the door with his toys. if you went to the council about it they wouldnt do a thing about it because they havent got time for small matters like this we are suspose to be having our main street altered and the are going to put islands in to slow down the traffic but that will make it worse because people will still park the cars,vans lorries on our pavements we have a right job when we put out the wheelie bins and it as been know for the binmen to leave them as they cant get to them for all the cars that are parked on our front.

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Hi Garryn and Willman - it isn't as easy as that in front of my house - although the trailer idea would probably work in front of my mother-in-laws house - but should we have to go that far? That is what is annoying! Surely these big window companies have their own areas where company vehicles should be stored???


In front of my house is just a total wreck...I am going to see my local councillor this week and see what he has to say about it. It annoys me that people just don't care about what things look like and it devalues their own property as well as mine!

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Liose, why not try a letter to the company? Start it in a jokey way by saying something like their vans make better doors than windows because you can't see through them when they are inconsiderately parked outside you MiL's house see if that does any good.

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  • 10 months later...

They are 'off road' vehicles!!!


Parking on the pavement is illegal unless there's a sign to allow it. And doubly so if there is a parking restriction in force on the road - you can be done for parking on the pavement and contravening the yellow lines.


Where are the parking wardens???

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Highway Code


123: You MUST NOT drive on or over a pavement, footpath or bridleway except to gain lawful access to property.

Laws HA 1835 sect 72 & RTA sect 34


218: DO NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement unless signs permit it. Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs, the visually impaired and people with prams or pushchairs.

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