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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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To the previous poster that felt wheelchair access wasn't relevant to the posting. It is as lack of enforcement at present over those who park on the pavement and those such as the white vans mentioned by another posters whose mirrors hang over the pavement are making life hell for those of us with disabilities. Even parking just 2 wheels on the pavement can cause an extreme hasard. I suggest anyone who doesn't understand this walk blindfold along a pavement where this is happening or borrow a wheelchair and try taking a route into town without going off the pavement. Or isn't it relevant if you get a wing mirror full in your face or have to backtrack several hundred yards to find another pavement? I've often been unable to get past cars that are parked with only 2 wheels on the pavement. Many of the narrower roads also have narrow pavements. And for Gods sake fold your wing mirrors in. My husband always does if he's parked.


I made the comment about wheel chair access. If the local council decide to ban all or some pavement parking and this improves your life then feel free to post in this thread. It is of course relevant. All I was trying to do is stop the ear bashing (or eye bashing as I guess it is online lol) some of the posters were getting. People who park on the pavement but do it considerately were getting stick and tarred with the same brush as other people who park inconsiderately.

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we're in the process of buying a new home in penistone and the parking situation is so silly. Part of the 'governments' new initiative to reduce car usage is to prevent people from parking on the roads AT ALL within new estates - this is written into the deeds.


So basically - a new housing estate, built in a small town which (as the planning application states) is within commuting distance to leeds, sheffield, manchester and barnsley, has bloomin rubbish provision for parking! What we meant to do - rely on the once hourly bus service which is regularly late or the even less reliable train service - all of which would cost more than running a small car!


Typical crap government! And the fat cats get brand new 4X4's with our tax money!!!!!



Ours is a new estate - It's parked up to death despite the no residents parking on the road rule. One of the houses belongs to a car dealer - he regularly has up to SEVEN cars parked on the road and pavement, including being within 10m of the junction. If they are not taxed, they are dumped on his front garden which he has put hardcore down on. :rant::rant: There was once 2 cars with exactly the same number plate on them!

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  • 3 years later...

We get it on our street as well. At the moment there's four cars parked up in a line on the pavement, starting outside our garden and going up to the house they're visiting. One of them belongs to that tenant.


Last week she parked outside our house and some blokes came to see her. How did I know this? They WALKED INTO OUR HOUSE! I was in on my own at the time. I now keep the door locked and chained when I'm in on my own because I don't want any more meatheads walking in because they can't be bothered to check the house number.


Anyway, all this pavement parking makes it very difficult to get up the road. My other half has taken to walking up the middle of the road in the mornings when going for the tram because he can't walk on that bit of the pavement. I ended up leaving her a note on her windscreen asking her to park outside her own house but she never does. :loopy:


I might just wait until they block the pavement up again tomorrow and call the council to ask their advice. It's not fair on people that use the pavement for walking on!

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Haha take a drive around Hillsborough and you will see sometimes you have to park on pavements!


There's a skip on your road at the moment too, making it worse! I know because it's currently outside my house, or at least it was when I left for work this morning.

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On my road, everyone seems to own a car. If you get a visitor, they can't park up. Its not a wide road, and so everyone parks on the pavement to keep the road clear. Sometimes its impossible to get down my front steps and onto the path with my pram, as the neighbour's car is parked with about a 30cm gap from my steps. Its hell on bin day (today) as you can normally walk down the path (without a pram) but you have no chance with bins there as well as cars. If i have my pram I have to walk down the road, as there is no chance of getting it up the path between the gaps the cars leave.

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  • 5 months later...

It does seem that Sheffield City Council have lost control of the streets. They are responsible for parking and have to take a more active role. If the parking becomes illegal then it is a police matter.


The council have a policy of only tackling problems that occur where there are road markings or road signs and are not concerned about non marked roads.


As ever small things lead to bigger things and the path parkers are now taking to the street corners.


On bin days residents cannot walk on the paths because of vehicles and bins and have to walk on the roads sheffield9.net/tinsley/parking.html

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