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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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15 hours ago, Resident said:

Instead of tarmac could the council not consider grid matting. I'm sure I've seen it before on a verge. 



They could, but it's generally an unsatisfactory half way house that doesn't look very good.


The main point is whether or not it is a good thing to have vehicles parked on verges. The Council's current position is that in general, it is not.


3 hours ago, MunXy said:

No minx in point of fact I park in a off road car park, what I'm complaining about is barely being able to get in through my front gate, outside my house and the fact that as I stated just down from me a disabled guys motorised wheel chair had been "boxed in" outside his house

As I've said earlier, the Police already have powers to deal with obstruction, so you need to take it up with them.


There is no sign whatsoever from the government that they are interested in giving Councils powers to deal with this issue, so you are stuck with what there is.


3 hours ago, MunXy said:


I just believe something should be done to halt the decline of laziness and ignorance that seems to be aimed at law abiding people that for one reason or another need parking not taken by lazy cretins.

What exactly is it that you think should be done and by whom?


3 hours ago, MunXy said:

Touché cyclone, except for the fact government agencies can access in seconds the dvla data base telling them tax, test, insurance AND home address of the car, so pretty easily I'd guess, but I take your point, I have photos of fox street, pitsmoor and some vehicles are parked so far on the kerb a relatively average sized person would have to turn sideways to pass, not just one car/van but several.

the double buggy test would fail several times in a 20 yard stretch, the most galling part is, a little further up fox street are several places where these people could park, incomoding no one, but would mean an extra 30 yard walk round the corner to the building site the people "parking" need to get to.

laziness as opposed to actual need.

So have you reported it to the Police and asked for action to be taken?

3 hours ago, MunXy said:

some on my road have regular ambulance visits because of health issues, but the ambulances have to park perhaps 50-100 yards away before running to the house in question. Perhaps you think the ambulance men should just get on with it and not moan about valuable seconds lost because some lazy individual doesn't want to walk an extra 50 feet to get to work or the shop or whatever,.

The ambulance has probably had to battle through heavy traffic to get to your street anyway, so a few seconds longer to walk to the house isn't going to make much difference. This is an issue that emergency services face in many locations across the city. They are pragmatic about it and recognise that it's just a problem caused by the way we all live nowadays. If the emergency services have a real issue, they will raise it with the appropriate authorities who will of course try to assist.

3 hours ago, MunXy said:

check out disabled and mother and toddler parking at supermarkets, cars, work vans even taxis using them and hardly ever with a blue badge or child on board, 

Supermarket owners have a remedy against people who park in contravention of the rules they apply to their car parks. They (or their contractors) can issue penalties (or invoices if you want to be accurate) which have been proved to be enforceable in court. Councils can and do enforce against misuse of disabled parking bays (where it is an enforceable one, some are only advisory) and they can and do enforce against misuse of blue badges.


I'd therefore say that most of the issues you are raising already have a remedy in place.

Edited by Planner1
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22 hours ago, amnicoll said:

I seem to remember in London it was illegal to park on the pavement unless there was a sign saying you could but I am not sure what the legal situation is in Sheffield but certainly it would appear that there is no enforcement


I remember hearing the story somewhere of some one who lived on a bus route on a narrowish road and used to park on the pavement until he got a ticket from the police and then the next day after he parked on the road he was asked by the bus driver  to move his car so the bus could get past - he refused and told the bus company to contact the police



Doesn't  work here. We regularly had a car which stopped the numbers 13 and 14 buses running. The police said, if the car was legally parked, which it was, the buses had to divert. We as bus operators would have liked double yellow lines along at least one side of every bus route but it's not feasable.

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20 hours ago, spilldig said:

Doesn't  work here. We regularly had a car which stopped the numbers 13 and 14 buses running. The police said, if the car was legally parked, which it was, the buses had to divert. We as bus operators would have liked double yellow lines along at least one side of every bus route but it's not feasable.

Seems highly unlikely that it would be considered to be legally parked if it were obstructing the carriageway.

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How wonderful life would be if people didn't have to park on pavements, sadly however a great many of our residential streets were not made  wide enough for two way traffic or for the amount of cars currently needing to park on them, make everyone park legally on the roadside and watch the place grind to halt !

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2 hours ago, Michael_W said:

How wonderful life would be if people didn't have to park on pavements !


How wonderful life would be if people didn't have numerous cars per family, they would get more exercise, on public transport, they would meet other people

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

How wonderful life would be if people didn't have numerous cars per family, they would get more exercise, on public transport, they would meet other people

Errrmmm, your missing the point with your partial quote, that, and you have got the wrong thread fella, public transport and exercise apart, what do you reckon to people parking on pavements, any reasonable solutions ?

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4 minutes ago, Michael_W said:

Errrmmm, your missing the point with your partial quote, that, and you have got the wrong thread fella, public transport and exercise apart, what do you reckon to people parking on pavements, any reasonable solutions ?

People should not park on the pavement, but there should be some flexibility. Instead of what is done now, its totally ignored. It should be enforced by the council.

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3 hours ago, El Cid said:

How wonderful life would be if people didn't have numerous cars per family, they would get more exercise, on public transport, they would meet other people

How wonderful life would be if there were decent & regular public transport available, especially when you've got to be at work for 6am


How wonderful life would be if one income was still sufficient to be able to afford to own a home and raise a family so both parents didn't have to go to work

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