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Parking on pavements MEGATHREAD

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On 11/25/2018 at 7:46 AM, Cyclone said:

Seems highly unlikely that it would be considered to be legally parked if it were obstructing the carriageway.

I agree, and we were astounded by the police not being concerned about buses having to divert. Cars could get by. Just to add to this, in my time there we had to suspend and stop some bus routes altogether because of parked vehicles .





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It is already illegal to park on pavements to the best of my knowledge. 


It's also very ignorant considering that roads are for vehicles and pavements for the safe travel on foot, including mothers with prams, the elderly and disabled.


If you where to walk in the road you would be shouted and sworn at or possibly prosecuted at the least,  so why not prosecute ALL pavement parkers.

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I feel that if the law was upheld in some areas of sheffield then the roads would become unpassable with cars parked fully on the roads on both sides

Certainly lorrys ambulances fire engines wouldnt be able to pass

Just gone to measure the pavemnet outside and its 3m wide so i do feel its ok to park with 2  wheels on the pavement as long as long as taking up no more than 1m

if people on both sides of the road do this as most do theres no problems for larger vehicles to pass

And pedestrians wheelchairs prams have plenty of room left

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Should some of our worst roads be double yellow lined on one side?  I feel for the bus drivers having to manoeuvre a double decker up Dykes Hall Road, and when they were diverted, up Wadsley Lane.  Others are probably worse!    On terraced streets, one vehicle per property would be just about manageable, but so many households with no offstreet parking have multiple cars.   I can see permits being introduced, just one per property!


Two wheels on the pavement as long as it leaves room for pedestrians is ok, but I regularly walk down a road in Hillsborough with very narrow pavements and overgrown hedges that almost touch the cars.   No chance for any pedestrian to pass.  There is also an electric box on the pavement further down, and vehicles often park so close to it that again pedestrians have to walk on the road.  

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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Good, get on with it.


Some roads will have to become 1-way.

Some roads will have to restrict parking to 1 side only.

Some people will have to get used to walking for a minute.

Some pavements will have to get re-aligned.

Edited by ads36
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Some new housing estates only have a driveway for one car even though they are not starter homes. It is likely that both adults will have a car and possibly a young adult child.  On some estates its really difficult when visiting someone to find somewhere to park, especially if its a cul de sac where the front gardens at the kerb edge are very narrow. Its difficult to find a solution in older housing but newer houses should be given more provision for cars without the front gardens just being a line of car parks. 

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