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If you were about to be stranded...

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Tell me what would be so bad about being stranded on a remote island and cultivating a plant in order to ingest the flowers for a benign and revealing alteration of consciousness? What moral absolute does this contravene? What offence against human dignity, what evil does it represent?

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Originally posted by "geoffbowen"




Please keep on topic - i.e. post your lists.


(PS. Someone change the record :wink: )

you're the one drifting off topic with 'stay on topic reminders', and now look what you've done - disrupted the thread again!


This needs some parameters - I think Nuclear Powered Land Rovers and Laptops with an infinite power supply should be ruled out.


Assume you will be able to find basic food and that you have basic tools


Assume there is arable land available or a big forest.


All your items should be able to fit in a steamer trunk. (to be fortuitously washed overboard with you)

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Machete (self sharpening, preferably)

Complete set of Dickens' works (did some at school and keep meaning to come back and read the rest)

Magnifying glass (useful for reading small print, see above, and lighting fires)

Blanket (nice to suck the corner when lonely and also for keeping warm)

The Observer Book of what's safe to eat on any desert island upon which you may find yourself (or similar publication)

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Ok, good parameters, so if we don't need to worry about basic food or tools and we don't have power etc then my list would be something like this (in no order)


1: A windup radio, but I don't know whether I would pick up a signal or not, but this would never need batteries. Do some of these have tape players on?

2: Cannabis seeds for all the reasons Phanerothyme gave.

3: Books, can't decide which ones though, I guess it depends what is at hand when the ship I'm on suddenly starts sinking.

4: a lantern (and lighter) of some discription, however I guess this would run out at some point, but it would be nice to see what I'm doing in the dark and be able to read at bedtime. I guess a small fire would do the job, so a lighter would be helpful instead of trying to rub two sticks together!

5: A journal and pen, so I can write a diary and songs etc.


Shame I can't fit a guitar into that steamer trunk!

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