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Thai boxing people


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quality film!!! was well impressed with when i watched it..


asfor the other fighter, never heard of him, but he must be good if he got the fighter of the year award, looks hard as rock


Dekker is very well known in the Muay Thai world.


My favourite "foreign" fighter by far. He'd absolutely hammer JWP and the like all over in his day.

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Not sure if "harder to learn" is the right way to look at it, they are similar in some ways and different in others. Kickboxing is generally all kicks above waist height and uses punches and kicks. Thai uses low kicks as well as high and also uses knees and elbows. There are good gyms in Sheffield for both styles and I think "Chefkicker" on here teaches a combination of both, as seen on TV in "K-1" events. Both will get you fit and improve your confidence.

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Not sure if "harder to learn" is the right way to look at it, they are similar in some ways and different in others. Kickboxing is generally all kicks above waist height and uses punches and kicks. Thai uses low kicks as well as high and also uses knees and elbows. There are good gyms in Sheffield for both styles and I think "Chefkicker" on here teaches a combination of both, as seen on TV in "K-1" events. Both will get you fit and improve your confidence.


Most kickboxing clubs only teach high kicks.

At AFK however, we teach both styles of kicking high and low.We also teach elbows and knees. Now some of you may consider the elbows and knees or even the use of the shin to kick with as "thaiboxing" at AFK we keep it all under of kickboxing the same way they did in japan when kickboxing was first invented in the early 70's.


The name kickboxing was actually first used by the japanese promoter Mr Noguchi.

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The Wicker camp is the best place in Sheffield to learn pure/authentic Muay Thai, it has produced several past/current World,European and British champions. Mick that runs the Wicker is also President of the UK Muay Thai Federation. Plus you can train as many sessions as you like for only £5 a week.

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