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Neighbours from hell

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Can't really complain about the neighbours where we are now, they're friendly but maybe just a bit too friendly sometimes. Everytime I go out to empty the bin or put the washing out they always seem to be there and want to talk, which is fine now and again but sometimes I don't want to talk to anyone so I have to avoid going outside and stick the washing in the tumble dryer instead. Oooh I sound a bit anti-social don't I?? I'm not really, sometimes if i'm busy I don't have time to talk and just want to get on with stuff.

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My upstairs neighbour moved out a couple of weeks ago and I'm dreading what the council will replace him with, please let it be a sweet old lady that doesn't make a lot of noise.

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  • 4 months later...

We are having a lot of trouble with our neighbours at the minute, we live in a block of flats so its not hard to hear each other coming in and going out etc, the other night me and my other half had a disagreement so probably were a little loud. The nect day I heard the man from upstairs knock on the door of the couple across frm us, then i heard them start to talk about us, so i opened the door and politely said if you have a problem then you can knock on our door and tell us and maybe we can sort it out and i apologised if we had made any noise. Next minute the woman from upstairs came down, came straight up to me and pointed her finger in my face, swearing and saying we have only lived there 2 minutes ect ect, i asked her (without raising my voice) to please stop pointing at me as its rude. She didnt. Then she said she knows my boyfriend beast me up as she has seen a bruise on my leg. The "bruise" she is refering to is my birthmark which is large and brown on the back of my lower leg. I explained this but she carried on shouting. It quite upset me with what she said as it is so very very not true. Now we have found out she is going round people in the flat trying to get them to sign a petition to get us evicted. I think this is totally unfair and I really dont know what to do. Can anyone help?

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My upstairs neighbour moved out a couple of weeks ago and I'm dreading what the council will replace him with, please let it be a sweet old lady that doesn't make a lot of noise.


I got my new upstairs neighbours a couple of months ago, not a sweet quiet little old lady like I'd hoped for but a couple of loud mouthed, dirty chavs that I'm trying to get the council to move on.

I miss my old neighbour he was brilliant.

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I have Bonny's problem: My neighbors, who own the corner lot and house next to mine, are TOO friendly. Last summer, they poured a large concrete patio on their postage-stamp size back lawn. The area is really just supposed to be a place to put the garbage bin, but they're using it and a strip of my property as an actual back yard! They've got two umbrella tables, 8 to 10 chairs, a grill, a swing and numerous shelving units on this little patch of concrete.


And they're always out there. Every day. Morn 'til night. Breakfast. Lunch. Parties. Cookouts. Everytime I let my dogs out, the neighbors' granddaughter comes over to play with them. I can't water my flowers, or putter in the gardens, or mow my yard without being a main attraction -- or distraction -- at their events.


I'm saving for a fence!:rant:

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Be grateful for what you have.


Land grab


The so-called neighbourhood dispute first started when Keith Brown’s neighbours decided to move the fence that divides their property an extra two feet in their favour. Keith tried all he could to get the council’s legal team to stop the erection of concrete posts and new fence panels on his property, but despite being advised that he was “in the right” on several occasions nothing was done.


Every morning Keith would open his curtains to see this encroachment on his own bit of land, his own personal space and, as the large family started to take pleasure in goading him about the invasion of his property, his quality of life became minimal.


The relationship between the neighbours became seriously strained and it was not long before the police were called to intervene. Amazingly though it was Keith who found himself dragged before the courts on a trumped up charge of “racism”, but thankfully his West Indian neighbour appeared as a witness and described the charges as ridiculous. Eventually the case was thrown out.

Keith’s eldest son was actually sent to prison for later defending his father against a further physical assault, the injustice of which hurt Keith considerably.


Last year the brake pipes of Keith’s van were cut and he narrowly avoided a serious accident. Not long after this Keith’s beloved English bull terrier was poisoned to death and his Alsatian puppy mysteriously disappeared.


Throughout all of this time Keith and his partner had requested to move from the area to a new council house, but despite being on the housing list for years nothing was ever done for them.


CCTV footage


In desperation Keith fitted a CCTV system to his house in order to obtain video evidence of the continued racially-motivated abuse and assaults directed towards him and his family. One such assault was indeed captured on video and burnt to DVD. Last year Stoke councillor Steve Batkin requested a meeting with a local police Inspector at Sutherland Road Police Station in Longton to hand over the DVD and to complain about drug dealing in the area. The female, officer refused to even take the DVD and dismissed Steve’s formal complaint about the continuing assaults on Keith Brown saying that , “she knew who he was”. In the minuted meeting she at least said she would look at the narcotics issue, but later informed Steve that the alleged drug-dealing was just down to “private hire drivers falling asleep in their cars”.


The months of anguish continued for Keith, abuse, assaults and smashed windows until finally the inevitable but entirely avoidable happed. Last Friday afternoon witnesses saw Keith and his neighbours in yet another flare up. Keith had just returned from picking up his three youngest children from school when he was confronted by a group of men outside his house. Whilst Keith was remonstrating with these men another man crept from behind a car and plunged a large knife in his back. Keith never saw it coming, but his three young children did. Having brutally attacked Keith the gang then set about his 19-year-old son leaving him hospitalised.


As Keith lay dying in his garden, paramedics desperately tried to resuscitate him, but Keith had already slipped away, stabbed in the back by his murderer and stabbed in the back by those who should have protected him.

One of the things we have always been proud of in this country is that, unlike other countries, life is not cheap here. Not anymore, even in Third world countries never would the ruling elite, the police and the media despise their fellow countrymen so much that they would conspire to ensure that their lives were made the cheapest of them all.

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  • 3 years later...

Oh my God how awful - it does put our problems into perpective as we don't have to endure anything like that.

The council should know the stress these 'neighbour problems' cause but it's all down to keeping stupid diaries that are dismissed as nothing anyway or evidence on film, how pathetic.

This arms length management really is the pits and it seems their only involvement is actually 'managing' to store any complaints on paper or on a computer system.

I tried bartering for cheaper rent for the inconvenience I had to endure since they weren't prepared to do anything following my complaints. They just thought it was funny so really you don't get any joy - and that poor Mr Brown is probably just a statistic where the police are concerned and case closed and filed out of sight in the council office.

I had to sign a form when I got my new house - about understanding that I have to keep my 13yr old dog under control, about respecting my neighbours' sexualities, religions and other things that escape my memory but find my very own neighbour is flouting amost all of the issues where acceptance or respect comes into it (where other neighbours are concerned).

True he only dare glare at/rant at women and children or allow his 4 kids to spoil or trespass on other people's gardens when they think people are out but what is it with people not knowing right from wrong these days?

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Not me personally but my parents in Stannington, S6 have a "neighbour from hell", an old woman in her 80s with Alzheimer's, she's a pain cos she's always coming round and bothering Mum for stuff, usually it's because she doesn't know what day it is or she can't alter the volume on the telly!

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has anyone got neighbours from hell??? mine are a total nightmare.rude ,ignorent and downright nosey....dont wanna let kids play out cos they get blamed for everything that happens, i am lucky cos i am moving soon but would be interested to hear others tales:hihi:


My girlfriend has exactly the same type of neighbours they are scum can't wait to get her and the kids out of there the neighbours are vile! the daughter is like a mini version of Vicky Pollard she is a disgrace.:rant:

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