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discipline global mobile special sampler (promo only) cd

1995 - japanese i think, the inserts all in japanese inside.


its all tracks by king crimson and related.


king crimson

robert fripp

the robert fripp string quartet

robert fripp and the league of crafty guitarists

adrian belew

trey gunn

california guitar trio

europa string choir




was from a charity shop still sealed


then if i have time ive got out a couple of hawkind cds

the first album

and a cheap compilation i picked up

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check out this youtube clip lol



sky doing toccata

check out the drummer...and the nice jumper on john williams (guitarist)




Oh god no not them - I remember seeing them yonks ago on the Old Grey Wooly Vest - 'orrible.


Back in the kitchen to finish off dinner in a minute - accompanied by a Trojan Sampler CD I got for a couple of quid a few years ago - includes most of the classics - Guns of Navarone, Israelites, Ire Feelings, Dat, Up Town Top Rankin' - to name but a few.

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lard - pure chewing satisfaction


inspired by the thread about pron. jello, as often the case summed it up nice...


Generation Execute


I went to Blockhead Video

To rent a tape of people makin' love

Couldn't find no love in here

It's a family store, see here!

Settled for Faces Of Death

But they'd rented it to some kid

I'm tired of the same old gore

Kick Butt Cable Network gives me more

All day

All night

Broadcast live





Bring the pretzels, bring the kids

Have a party, have a beer

Phil Donahue got his wish

Executions on live TV

Here's your host, Kozy Kinkwicket!

What's your name?... You're 14?

And what are you being put to death for today?

Is your family here?

What was your last meal?

Any last words for the fans?

Longer you cling to life-

More prizes for your friends





What's it gonna be, Old Sparky?

More points for the firing squad

Grand prize, step inside

The Hundred Thousand Dollar Gas Chamber

Answer one question:

How do we teach, 'Thou Shalt Not Kill'?

The gas is rising

There goes the bell

Five minutes...

Six minutes...

Ladies and gentlemen,

He's swallowed his tongue!

Vanna applauds

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Today I'm listening to Amebix because I hear they're reforming and it reminded me how good they are.




i thought the baron was having too good a life on that scottish island making swords?

anyway.....what a band...arise is one of my fave albums ever..........every track a classic


a true classic album that really does conjure up images of heaviness, despair, isolation, paranoia, the emergence of winter, desolation



ive just been listening to unseen terror - peel sessions (vinyl)

(mick harris / shane embury from napalm death)

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