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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

All ancient history, but the music still burns just as bright.


What inspiring words.

The Disposable Heroes version brought the theme up to date brilliantly :D

FFFRV is one of those timeless albums that never seems to age, California Uber Alles and Holiday in Cambodia get the adrenaline going like nothing else!

MTV - Get Off the Air is one of the most perceptive songs ever written. 'The dumbest buy the mostest, THAT'S the name of the game.'. Having the misfortune to occasionally sit through a few hours of MTV every now and then, you see how right Jello is; constant bombardment with Crazy Frog adverts and 'Urban' ... I can't bring myself to say music.


Thanks for pointing me in the direction of PhanFM, quick question - is there any way to make Windows Media Player open .pls files? I don't really want to use iTunes unless I have to.

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Boyface's comments re the beauty of music that appears to be on the brink of falling apart [his reference to the Raincoats' version of 'Lola'] are astute. I agree here. There is a place for roughly-hewn music, and it can often possess a fragile beauty. Examples which spring to mind are some Syd Barrett, Neil Young, Capt. Beefheart, The Fall, The Pop Group, Velvet Underground, and much folk music. Here, the 'imperfections', the dischordancy, the possibility of it all collapsing into a heap are part of the appeal. Music can be too 'polished'...

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Originally posted by segasonic

What inspiring words.

The Disposable Heroes version brought the theme up to date brilliantly :D

FFFRV is one of those timeless albums that never seems to age, California Uber Alles and Holiday in Cambodia get the adrenaline going like nothing else!

MTV - Get Off the Air is one of the most perceptive songs ever written. 'The dumbest buy the mostest, THAT'S the name of the game.'. Having the misfortune to occasionally sit through a few hours of MTV every now and then, you see how right Jello is; constant bombardment with Crazy Frog adverts and 'Urban' ... I can't bring myself to say music.


Thanks for pointing me in the direction of PhanFM, quick question - is there any way to make Windows Media Player open .pls files? I don't really want to use iTunes unless I have to.


With windows media player try this link:



Or click "File>Open URL" and type the URL in manually.


Or Ctrl+U and type in the url manually


Or try http://www.foobar2000.com for an excellent bare bones player of audio files

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Originally posted by Saifa

New Goldie Lookin Chain album.


Funny as! Pure quality, especially the one about faking injuries and going to claims direct for compensation :D


I heard some Goldie lookin Chain early recordings a good while back which will NEVER see the light of day. Not officially that is.


They were hilarious but very politically incorrect. Very intelligent though.

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