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This week I am mostly listening to Madonna's new album, 'Confessions on a Dancefloor'. This may surprise fellow posters. However, I have been a 'fan' since the 'Ray of Light' album. I love the way Madonna uses electronics, and on this album in parts, repetitive electronics. I love the old whore completely, to be brutally frank.

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I've been listening to an incredibly odd tune by Brian Eno- How Many Worlds. A song of two halves: one of the most achingly beautiful string arrangements ever put to record bookended by two verses of a peculiar folky, nursery rhyme type ditty. Well worth checking out, just don't jump ship before the amazing strings bit in the middle.

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You have excellent taste, Tubthump. Eno is a wonderful composer of odd tunes, long, ambient soundscapes etc. His music is full of an almost child-like curiosity melded with a slightly detached, intellectual feel. Few weeks pass when I do not play at least one of his albums. Unlike many composers of 'new' music, the word 'beautiful' is not anathema to him as you have discovered.

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