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Recently re-discovered Led Zepp's masterpiece 'Physical Graffiti'.

Unsigned Sheffield band Voice of Brain are superb as well. Saw them at the Boardwalk the other night; punk, emo, indie? don't know what you'd call 'em but they are mellow and melodic one minute and totally white hot rock the next. Very intense yet great fun...think they might make it.

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"Small Change got rained on by his own .38" - Tom Waits, from Swordfishtrombones.


Phanfm is on stochastic mode now, tune in if you dare.


Originally posted by Tubthump

I've been listening to an incredibly odd tune by Brian Eno- How Many Worlds. A song of two halves: one of the most achingly beautiful string arrangements ever put to record bookended by two verses of a peculiar folky, nursery rhyme type ditty. Well worth checking out, just don't jump ship before the amazing strings bit in the middle.


Fat Lady of Limbourg is actually coming up next on PhanFM (after Waits, and Bill Hicks). Not just a brilliant musician, but a startlingly original lyricist too.

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