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What music are you listening to?


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I used to be a big fan of REM, in my late teens. My favourite albums being, Automatic For The People, Out of Time, and Monster. I even had the guitar books for the first two. I find, as someone who has suffered with depression, there music doesn't really help.


Had a few sparring sessions with depression myself so I'm not pointing any fingers. When I find myself slipping I dig out the joyous sounds of Simon & Garfunkel, The Bangles, Voice Of The Beehive or The Byrds. They (and the meds) usually stop me getting in too deep.

Not overly enamoured of the R.E.M. albums you mentioned. I'd gone off them a tad by then. I prefer Murmur, Green and Fables Of The Reconstruction. That said, there were some powerful singles on Out Of Time. Might dig that out for a reassessment.

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