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Been cranking up the K C & the Sunshine Band 'best of' these past few days. Musically, it certainly suits this current weather. Lovin’ that horn sound. It loses traction by becoming slightly samey by track 16 but most are genuine disco-era classics.

The version of Queen Of Clubs here sounds a bit murky/muddy and I wonder at the source, but the rest are wonderful.
‘Please Don’t Go’ is one of the best/saddest love songs written by anyone, ever.
Image result for K C & the Sunshine Band 'best o'f
Edited by wearysmith
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Been playing " A tribute to David Bowie" a great bunch of covers put together by Howard Stern .It needs a couple of plays to get used to the different interpretations of classic bowie tracks ,but well worth a listen.


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Just been catching up with 'Stray' never actually saw them in concert but funny story, we'd been shopping at tesco's on Ecclesall road many moons ago probably 1977/78 and we either got a free Lp at the check out or our young son had put it in the trolley - who knows? but if it was him he was showing he'd good choice for his age - LOL (Stray stand up and be counted 1975)

Anyway  had a  dabble on you tube today and regressed back in time for a while - Happy Daze.



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3 hours ago, Rockers rule said:



Just been catching up with 'Stray' never actually saw them in concert but funny story, we'd been shopping at tesco's on Ecclesall road many moons ago probably 1977/78 and we either got a free Lp at the check out or our young son had put it in the trolley - who knows? but if it was him he was showing he'd good choice for his age - LOL (Stray stand up and be counted 1975)

Anyway  had a  dabble on you tube today and regressed back in time for a while - Happy Daze.



As a youth in West London, Stray was my local band. Saw them perform many times at the Marquee in Wardour Street. Their eponymous first album is still a favourite of mine. This week, though, I'm listening to a lot of Xoki and Hieronymus.

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