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Anyone remember or know the whereabouts of Mr.Lydiot

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He taught at Limpsfield Middle school the whole time I was there 1984 - 88. I know he's definately not there now but does anyone remember him or know if he's still teaching. He was a great teacher. I'd love to know if he's still in the proffession. If anyone can help please do.

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Hi, thanks for your replies. Sorry about the spelling, I wasn't sure it was right so sorry about that. Tell your dad he was a great teacher. However, the trips to Bradfield were great until it came to lunchtime. If anyone asked when we were stopping to eat he would add 10 minutes on everytime. Then we always ended up sat along the wall of a pub eating our packed lunch. Oh happy days !!!

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Louise - Mr Lydiat here - though maybe you can call me Mike now? My lad Sam passed your details on.


Thanks for the kind comments - I do remember you - as a good runner in Mr Taylor's squad and maybe as a member of my lunchtime guitar group?


I also well remember the Flood walks we did - the water board land we trespassed on is now open to all - we went to see the CLOB stones (Centre Line Old Bank) - the line of the dam that burst - but I think you are wrong about the extra time before lunch - I only addded on 5 mins each time - not 10!


I stopped teaching 7 years ago and now work around the country showing teachers how to use various bits of ICT kit. Still playing guitar though. Have a look at my web site - type h t t p : / / then w w w. then docsworkshop then .co then .uk


What are you doing now. Married with kids I suppose?

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Hi, thanks for your reply. I don't think I'm the Louise you remember. Running and guitar skills are not my strong point unfortunately. That could have been Louise Alcroft. I'm Louise Holbrook. I was friends with Debbie Furniss. For some very strange and bizarre reason I once turned up to school wearing a specially printed t shirt that read 'ML is sarky but I like him'. I don't know what was worse, having it printed in the first place or wearing it!. I remember the walks around the dam. There was a thread on here a while ago discussing the floods, and I remember putting something on about our teacher letting us all climb over fences onto private property to have a look at the stone.

As for the dinner, I'm sure it was 10 minutes.

I am married now yes, very happily for 11 years and with 3 children. We live on the East Coast and are moving back up near Bridlington shortly. My husband is a manager on holiday parks so we tend to move around alot.

Do you know what became of Miss Stead? I can't remember her married name though. I think she got married after we left.

Well thank you again for your reply, let me know if you do remember me.

For some reason I have just read through all this to make sure I had put full stops and capital letters in the right place!!

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Saw my name and a few others from the past so thought I'd say 'Hi'. I was the Louise (Allcroft) in the guitar lessons at lunchtime along with Nicola Morrison (I met up with her again during my A-levels at King Edward VIIths). I remember her being very good at the guitar -especially when chasing the fingers up and down the frets (or however you spell them!). Good fun - but sorry to say I never kept it up. Louise - I also knew Debbie Furniss but lost touch when I left Limpsfield in the last year (before most poeple went on to Hinde House). Laura Brailsford (used to do multiple sneezes in Mr. Nicholson's class!) - I met up with her again during A-levels too but sadly lost touch when we went off to Uni. Lots of memeories- and all good ones, too from Limpsfield. It was a great school - and my nan used to have a crush on Mr Bainbridge!:hihi:

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Hi Louise, was lovely to see your reply on here. I still get laughed at by my mum and dad for coming home from your house one day and asking if i could go to Trinidad. They thought it was hilarious. I asked really casually as if i was just asking to go to yours for tea or something. What are you up to now, and where are you living? We did have some great times at school and especially Limpsfield, it was a great school.

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