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Anyone remember or know the whereabouts of Mr.Lydiot

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Hi Louise, was lovely to see your reply on here. I still get laughed at by my mum and dad for coming home from your house one day and asking if i could go to Trinidad. They thought it was hilarious. I asked really casually as if i was just asking to go to yours for tea or something. What are you up to now, and where are you living? We did have some great times at school and especially Limpsfield, it was a great school.


Hi Louise!


This Internet thingimijig is great isn't it?!!!

I've not been to Trinidad for quite a few years now (although I'd love to go back and see it again). My dad's parents lived there but now they're retired and living in Barbados so it's always a plesauire going to see them! I left Sheff way back in the early 90s to go to Uni and then on to Newcastle to do a Masters in 1994. Seems like yesterday but its frightening to know it's almost 13years ago, now. I'm still in the North East and work as a scientist doing paternity (DNA) tests from my own lab. We also do forensic testing which is like the stuff you see on CSI but only it takes me several days - not 1 hour as you see in the programme! If I could do it that quickly I'd be a millionaire by now and living in Barbados myself! Pretty happy with my lot really althouh there never is enough time or money to do everything you would like- but hey! That's life! Mind you -I often wonder what all my old Brightside and Limpsfielders are up to - so it's great to hear from you after all these years and fill in few mssing details.:)

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