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Should cannabis be legal

Should Cannabis be made legal?  

362 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cannabis be made legal?

    • Yes, but I have never tried it and would still not try it if legal
    • Yes, I have tried it anyway, so what difference does it make!
    • Yes, I have never tried it, but would if it were legal
    • Yes, but only for controlled medical use
    • No, I do not agree with it being legalised for any reason
    • Not sure either way

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Again I know of people who have benefitted for medical reasons from canabis. In fact it was suggested by a GP for my sister to help her with depression.

He didn't offer any dealers though :lol:


Some people believe it is a spring board for other 'harder' drugs and I have seen this happen also. But in most cases people just use canabis for recreational purposes, there is nothing to say that cigarettes are not a springboard for other harder drugs - but I they seem to be having a hard time making those illegal?


Moon Maiden

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I saw a report in one of the newspapers, that taking cannabis destroys the brain cells, if this is true would anyone seriously want to take cannabis?


Suppose I am lucky being brought up in an age when drugs for recreation were not heard of, but surely any young person wouldn't want to destroy their lovely young body by taking drugs would they?

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I saw a report in one of the newspapers, that taking cannabis destroys the brain cells, if this is true would anyone seriously want to take cannabis?


Again you can use the same argument for Ciggies or life in general. From the moment we are born we loose braincells.


Also drugs of recreation being heard of??? Perhaps it was just my Grandad's nosiness but he knew many men who became addicted to 'recreational' drugs. In fact WWII aided in hightenting the image of smoking cigarettes.


The problems we face today in general haven't increased over the recent years - it is just we are been told and talk more.. Like the argument that gay people didn't exist beofre say the 60's :shock:


On a wierder note - my mum undertook a recreational experiment based on what she had learned at nursing school and firmly believes that the information been given about cannabis is crap. She has doubts about others drugs but does concede it is down to the individuals chemistry and ability to handle the experience.


Moon Maiden

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I think the whole argument of cannabis leading to harder drugs is nonsense too. I think if that happens to someone, it is that they have that kind of personality. Some people are that way inclined...they feel the need to have more and will try anything. They are always looking for new thrills in life..or are just weak minded and influenced by the wrong kind of people. I know plenty of people who smoke cannabis and would never try anything else including LSD or ecstasy which aren't thought of as 'hard' drugs in this day and age. At the end of the day if Heroin were to be legal, would you rush out and try it? I certainly would not. And i certainly wouldn't do it to look cool either. So it annoys me when people say that if cannabis were to be legalised, everyone would rush out and try it. Give people a bit more credit to decide what they want to do with their bodies. Its the same as a lot of people choose not to smoke or drink and they are legal. Not everyone wants to try something just because its legal.


As for drugs not being heard of when you were growing up Halevan, that is down to media and the medical world of today. Drugs have been taken for recreational use since god knows when, take opium for example, http://opiates.net/


The use of cannabis is believed to go back 4000 years! It could be bought in shops and even Queen Victoria used it!


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I just cast my vote... 10 people have voted so far... TEN!

I'm afraid this survey may not reach levels of statistical significance, but it'll be anecdotally interesting, I guess.


Marijuana has been DOCUMENTED as being taken recreationally for 4000 years, true. However, many naturally occurring chemicals, found in various flora and fauna have most likely aided human evolution since very early times.

There is a school of thought that suggests symbiotic links between human brain evolution, and psylocibin mushrooms (highly entertainingly hallucinogenic). These mushrooms are most associated on GRAZING land... thereby encouraging nomadic herdspeople to stay put for awhile to enjoy the scenery.

Shamanic visions probably deserve a mention at this point.

Marijuana simply alters the perception and literally "takes one to another level"... a HIGHER mental state. OK, lots of people muck about when high, but any stimulant's effect will vary according to your peer group and environment.

The only steps on the ladder of any validity, are the ones leading to the advancement for the need to learn and experience MORE.


Marijuana, Psylocibin, Flygaric toadstools, Peyote, poisonous toads(!), LSD, MDMA... far less dangerous than tobacco and alcohol.


read Terence McKenna's FOOD OF THE GODS... superb!

also Aldhous Huxley's DOORS OF PERCEPTION is worth it for a giggle.

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Also 'Herbs of The Northern Shaman' By Steve Andrews deals with alot of shamanistic plants. Many can be found growing in Sheffield on grass verges.

Steve has tried many different drugs over his many years and also grows alot of legal vegetation in his garden in Cardiff - the guy has managed to grow Kiwi fruit :shock:

He may be popping up this way to take a herbal workshop in the near future.


Moon Maiden

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Originally posted by "tymr"


I just cast my vote... 10 people have voted so far... TEN!

I'm afraid this survey may not reach levels of statistical significance, but it'll be anecdotally interesting, I guess.


Thank you for voting and I totally agree. I was hoping for more votes so I could post some analysis of the results up but i need a lot more than 10 votes to do that! :(

Its kinda annoying really, as this forum is a place for us to have our say, yet people don't seem to want to vote in polls! We live in a democracy yet people can't be bothered to vote these days but that is another debate in itself! Lets just say the results so far are as I thought they would be.


Come on everyone...have your say!!


I will have to have a look at the books you both recommend moon maiden and tymr, they sound interesting. :)


Moon maiden, what is the herbal workshop about?

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