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Should cannabis be legal

Should Cannabis be made legal?  

362 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cannabis be made legal?

    • Yes, but I have never tried it and would still not try it if legal
    • Yes, I have tried it anyway, so what difference does it make!
    • Yes, I have never tried it, but would if it were legal
    • Yes, but only for controlled medical use
    • No, I do not agree with it being legalised for any reason
    • Not sure either way

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Originally posted by tosh13

It doesn't mean it isn't either.If the drug cannabis is ok to use then why has the Government legalised it for Pain Sufferers,the plain fact is no one is sure of the damage.Being disabled I have been asked would I use Cannabis for the pain & I said no,it's a principle of mine,I was brought up & many more to beleive all drugs are dangerous there are so many drugs on the market now,Ecstacy which has killed,Heroine,Cocaine.What chance have we of destroying drug dealers,when our society argues about soft & hard drugs.


If I were in your position, I would much much much rather smoke cannabis for my pain (or eat it, inject it, take tablets of it, depending on the form available) than take certain prescribed legal pain killers. Some pain killers out there are ridiculously addictive and have bad side effects, drive people to turn to crime in order to get more of it. Make people end up in rehab. And these are legal!


People are so damn prim and proper, just because something has a label of illegal on it, they wouldn't touch it. They'd rather trust a doctor and pharamaceutical industry and take a legal drug which is far worse.


I'd take cannabis over many legally prescribed drugs (e.g. antidepressants, pain killers, tranquilizers etc etc) any day. Far safer, not addictive, and virtually no side effects. GPs are drug dealers, pimping for their drug reps from the Pharma companies.


You ask why the government doesn't allow us to use cannabis, because of money and power, that's why. Plus they are far to scared of political suicide being the first government to do it because of narrow minded people like you.


You talk about drug dealers, well my answer to that is legalise all drugs not just cannabis. No need for drug dealers, plus all the crime related to drugs (burgulary, pimps, muggings, gang land shootings, smuggling, bangkok hilton, eastern european crime from drug barons etc etc) will be wiped out. They'd be out of a job!

Control all drugs, tax them, make them affordable, provide help for people addicted, make them safer (ie. manufacture clean and pure stuff) and educate people. Then sit back and trust people's judgement and give them credit. Most people are able to make good informed decisions.

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Originally posted by tosh13

Have you lost a relative to drugs???


No, many of us on here probably haven't and I'm sorry that you have, but you've got to understand that these are usually isolated incidences. I don't know the circumstances but the majority of cases where people go from cannabis onto harder drugs is usually down to the person themselves. It is situational, wrong crowd, type of personality, etc etc

Cannabis itself, does not have any properties in it to make someone take a 'harder' drug.

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Originally posted by tosh13

paracetamol, ibuprofen, codeine and aspirin are a legal drug Cannabis is not,but seeing as most of you know so much about drugs theres no point in anyone having a debate,as you all seem to know more than the experts.as said I have a personal reason for hating drugs.


Yes, true, most people on here know about cannabis/drugs from personal experience, rather like you know from your personal exerience (and I am sorry about that, it must be horrible), however, the numbers speak for themselves. You are rather out numbered, I'm afraid. Yours is an isolated incident, you only have to look at the poll results on here. How many of the ~60% cannabis users (be it occasional, one off, everyday) have gone onto harder drugs? So give people some credit, they do know what they are talking about.

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legality and non-legality is what we are discussing though.

What makes you so confident in the decision made by the government, do you think that they never make mistakes?


Basically your argument is circular, you don't use canabis because it's illegal and it should stay illegal because it's illegal...


Originally posted by tosh13

paracetamol, ibuprofen, codeine and aspirin are a legal drug Cannabis is not,but seeing as most of you know so much about drugs theres no point in anyone having a debate,as you all seem to know more than the experts.as said I have a personal reason for hating drugs.

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Originally posted by Foxxx

No, many of us on here probably haven't and I'm sorry that you have, but you've got to understand that these are usually isolated incidences. I don't know the circumstances but the majority of cases where people go from cannabis onto harder drugs is usually down to the person themselves. It is situational, wrong crowd, type of personality, etc etc

Cannabis itself, does not have any properties in it to make someone take a 'harder' drug.

people die from drug use everyday,most are not reported,but when people take drugs they take them for all manner of reasons,Cannabis causes Depression & your heart rate drops,the Daily Mirror aprrox 4 years ago let a 36 years old reporter test Cannabis for scientific reasons & the Doctors who monitored her heart rate said if she had taken anymore that day she could have had a heart attack.Her bloodpressure dropped alarmingly.So unless you have your bloodpressure taken when using Cannibis how do you know what amount is safe.People who want to take drugs take for different reason,recreational ,illness etc,. Clinical Depression & Compulsive Drug Disorder is a terrible thing to have & many people I have heard who have taken drugs,have said the same thing about Cannabis it causes terrible depression,which can sometimes lead to the user going on to harder drugs.I have no argument about other people taking Cannibis.But when you have seen what drugs can do to the mind & body everyday it's a terrible thing to see.So I guess we will have to agree to disagree fair enough.
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Originally posted by Cyclone

legality and non-legality is what we are discussing though.

What makes you so confident in the decision made by the government, do you think that they never make mistakes?


Basically your argument is circular, you don't use canabis because it's illegal and it should stay illegal because it's illegal...

I choose not to take Cannabis I don't think leagalising all drugs would sort the matter out,as some chemist would invent some other drug.you see if Cannibis is legalised ,what next Cocaine,Estacy etc.the list goes on,there will always be someone who says drugs should be legalised & some who don't & the choice of others to use drugs & those who don't,all over the country there have been rehabilitation clinics trying to get help for people who take drugs wether it be soft or hard drugs & the objection,s I have seen & heard about building's being used near a Pub,School etc everyone has gone mad,I draw the line at near Schools for obvious reason's drug dealers,but the kids who need help are being denied by the people who have never seen drug abuse in there family.Legalising drugs will not stop drug dealers.
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Originally posted by tosh13

people die from drug use everyday,most are not reported,but when people take drugs they take them for all manner of reasons,Cannabis causes Depression & your heart rate drops,the Daily Mirror aprrox 4 years ago let a 36 years old reporter test Cannabis for scientific reasons & the Doctors who monitored her heart rate said if she had taken anymore that day she could have had a heart attack.Her bloodpressure dropped alarmingly.So unless you have your bloodpressure taken when using Cannibis how do you know what amount is safe.People who want to take drugs take for different reason,recreational ,illness etc,. Clinical Depression & Compulsive Drug Disorder is a terrible thing to have & many people I have heard who have taken drugs,have said the same thing about Cannabis it causes terrible depression,which can sometimes lead to the user going on to harder drugs.I have no argument about other people taking Cannibis.But when you have seen what drugs can do to the mind & body everyday it's a terrible thing to see.So I guess we will have to agree to disagree fair enough.


Thing is between 2-6 million people a day smoke cannabis in this country. If things are as you describe, one would expect a slightly larger number of heart attacks than we are currently seeing.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

Thing is between 2-6 million people a day smoke cannabis in this country. If things are as you describe, one would expect a slightly larger number of heart attacks than we are currently seeing.

I am only Quoting what The Mirror study produced,I am no Doctor.But how do you know if some heart attacks have not been caused by Cannibis??
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Originally posted by tosh13

I choose not to take Cannabis I don't think leagalising all drugs would sort the matter out,as some chemist would invent some other drug.you see if Cannibis is legalised ,what next Cocaine,Estacy etc.the list goes on,there will always be someone who says drugs should be legalised & some who don't & the choice of others to use drugs & those who don't,all over the country there have been rehabilitation clinics trying to get help for people who take drugs wether it be soft or hard drugs & the objection,s I have seen & heard about building's being used near a Pub,School etc everyone has gone mad,I draw the line at near Schools for obvious reason's drug dealers,but the kids who need help are being denied by the people who have never seen drug abuse in there family.Legalising drugs will not stop drug dealers.


What would be the point of them dealing? There would be nothing to deal! If you're talking about a two bit bloke trying to flog drugs for cheaper , undercutting, he would hardly be a big time drug dealer like they have around at the moment, plus whre would he get the drugs from to do that? Not really worth smuggling them as it would probably cost more to get them into this country then it would to just buy it here. People would be wary of buying off someone when they can already buy it from a clean source in a licenced shop at an already affordable price.

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