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Should cannabis be legal

Should Cannabis be made legal?  

362 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cannabis be made legal?

    • Yes, but I have never tried it and would still not try it if legal
    • Yes, I have tried it anyway, so what difference does it make!
    • Yes, I have never tried it, but would if it were legal
    • Yes, but only for controlled medical use
    • No, I do not agree with it being legalised for any reason
    • Not sure either way

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Originally posted by sccsux



Oh dear...


We do think highly of ourselves, don't we oh rightious one!


So, I take it, you don't drink alcohol, coffee or smoke anything @ all?


Everyone has thier vices/methods of dealing with the preasures of life/family etc


Some choose cannabis for this purpose, others alcohol et-al.


Again, I ask you, please show me anywhere that shows (with documented evidence) death by cannabis overdose.


You won't be able to!


Then try alcohol....


Then, try Paracetamol - both legal!!


People take drugs (illegal or legal) recreationally for a variety of reasons. Very few move onto harder compounds, and those that do (IMO) would have done so at some stage regardless of cannabis. I have never used H, Crack, Coke etc - 'cause I'm far too aware of the hidden dangers. I will, however, engage in the odd spliff (or 8 ).




It opens doors!



PS - In reference to you post below:


A sense of humour slowly emerges..... WTS...

I deal with the pressures of my life without taking ,Cannabis.
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Again I find myself asking, do you drink alcohol, coffee, Coke-a-Cola (the real thing)?


You're being very evasive on this as numerous users on here have asked you directly, but you refuse to answer.


Until you do, I shall ignore your il-informed rantings on this subject.


For anyone else who is interested, it appears the intenet is also extremely addictive http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/09/23/internet_junkies/

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It's usually been my experience that users of cannabis are very quick to extol the virtues of their drug of choice, but rather evasive on the quite obvious negatives.


Each to their own, but Tosh13 has personal experience of the tragedy it can cause. You should respect him for having formed an educated opinion through circumstance, not abuse him because he chooses not to round on other (legal) substances. It's not an either / or position that he has to adopt you know.


I said early in this thread that drug use doesn't make people any more interesting - well...!

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Originally posted by Tony

It's usually been my experience that users of cannabis are very quick to extol the virtues of their drug of choice, but rather evasive on the quite obvious negatives.


I don't remember saying taking any drug was a good idea?


Originally posted by Tony

Each to their own...


I agree. Which is why people should stop telling others how to run thier life.


Originally posted by Tony

Each to their own, but Tosh13 has personal experience of the tragedy it can cause.


But not (exclusively) through cannabis use. And to tar all with the same brush shows extreme narrow-mindedness.



Originally posted by Tony

I said early in this thread that drug use doesn't make people any more interesting - well...!


They make people make better music though ;-)

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Originally posted by Jamie

Funnily enough that's the exact reason why I stopped !! ... some doors you really don't want to open ...


You got that right.


There are a number of substances which can be loosely grouped as psychedelic, and cannabis, under some circumstances, can overlap into this classification.


When cannabis is eaten, the thc is passed through to the liver and broken down into two active metabolites, one of which is further broken down into another active metabolite, and all three of these are equally or more psychoactive than the THC isomers found naturally in the plant.


This is a good example of biosynthesis. Nutmeg is another - the essential oil, 'myristicin' I think, is broken down by your liver into an aminated methylinedioxy group


for all you chemists - nutmeg oil is mostly 3-methoxy,4,5-methylendioxy-allylbenzene which isn't too far away from certain well known psychedelics. Of course, ingesting half a gramme of nutmeg is going to make you pretty sick, but it's amazing what your liver can produce with the right raw materials.





THC isomers in the brain imitate something that researches coined (in their usual snappy way) "an endogenous cannabimimetic eicosanoid" when, in 1988, they discovered a neurotransmitter they called Anandamide.


Ananda - the hindu godess of bliss.


It is, for the people who can enjoy it and not wig out or whatever, a very pleasant and benign drug. There are problems with it both with behaviour and more importantly respiratory health, without question. But the behavioural and mental problems simply are not a de facto result of taking the drug. It can exarcebate problems, but it can also alleviate symptoms.


In fact the DEA's own administrative law judge concluded in 1988 that

in strict medical terms, marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume ... marijuana in it's natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.


An estimated 300 million people use it, but the damage is being done by the method of ingestion and the prohibition, not the actual drug.


There is growing evidence that it may help to precipitate 'schizophrenic' episodes in susceptible young men, evidence that might have come to light much earler, if medical and scientific studies on cannabis had not been made impossible.


It certainly alters your perception, but if you have never experienced it's truly mind opening properties that have been revered down the generations, then I urge you to do so, but not in this country - obviously.


Classical arabic literature refers to hashish (the compressed resinous glands of the plant) as "The great revealer" and with good reason. Revelation isn't a daily thing with cannabis, fortunately; but the more fluid, tangential thought forms cannabis promotes are certainly useful in lots of ways. There is a risk attached, but that is true of everything in life.


I simply believe people should have the liberty to choose their own state of mind from the range that is on offer.

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Originally posted by sccsux

Again I find myself asking, do you drink alcohol, coffee, Coke-a-Cola (the real thing)?


You're being very evasive on this as numerous users on here have asked you directly, but you refuse to answer.


Until you do, I shall ignore your il-informed rantings on this subject.


For anyone else who is interested, it appears the intenet is also extremely addictive http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/09/23/internet_junkies/

Right mate the answer to your Q.No I don't drink Alchohol,Coca Cola or Coffee does that answer your Q.Thankyou
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Originally posted by Tony

It's usually been my experience that users of cannabis are very quick to extol the virtues of their drug of choice, but rather evasive on the quite obvious negatives.


Each to their own, but Tosh13 has personal experience of the tragedy it can cause. You should respect him for having formed an educated opinion through circumstance, not abuse him because he chooses not to round on other (legal) substances. It's not an either / or position that he has to adopt you know.


I said early in this thread that drug use doesn't make people any more interesting - well...!

Thanks Tony for understanding my meaning on the subject,seems like those who regularly use Cannabis seem to have a clouded judgment.Yes my personal experience was to see my son destroyed by drugs in general,he started on Cannabis,he suffered Clinical Depression & Compulsive Drug Disorder.He had been smoking Cannabis all weekend & decided to smoke some Heroine,due to the amount of Cannabis he smoked his bloodpressure dropped alarmingly,the small amount of the other drug shut his system down.He never injected.But with his disorder he was fine one minute & very depressed the next.He was 24 years old.That was just over 3 years ago & the pain & anger is still with us.I am not anti drug if a person wants to take drugs then that is up to them,but I know how much pain it can cause a family when you lose someone to drugs.
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i'm not a user (nor have i ever been), but i still support the legalisation of it.


Most of my disagreement with Tosh13 has been about the reasons he gives for the opinion he has. If you give a reason for something (that's supposedly factual) then you can expect someone to challenge it and to have to prove it's veracity.

Most of his reasons, apart from the personal one, do not seem to be supported by any evidence.

I also dislike the way that his argument is circular, canabis is a drug and so it should be illegal, or canabis is illegal and so it is a drug.

Both of these are clearly not true as there are many legal drugs. And clearly not all drugs should be illegal, or we'd be reduced to living off bread and water.


Originally posted by Tony

It's usually been my experience that users of cannabis are very quick to extol the virtues of their drug of choice, but rather evasive on the quite obvious negatives.


Each to their own, but Tosh13 has personal experience of the tragedy it can cause. You should respect him for having formed an educated opinion through circumstance, not abuse him because he chooses not to round on other (legal) substances. It's not an either / or position that he has to adopt you know.


I said early in this thread that drug use doesn't make people any more interesting - well...!

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