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Should cannabis be legal

Should Cannabis be made legal?  

362 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cannabis be made legal?

    • Yes, but I have never tried it and would still not try it if legal
    • Yes, I have tried it anyway, so what difference does it make!
    • Yes, I have never tried it, but would if it were legal
    • Yes, but only for controlled medical use
    • No, I do not agree with it being legalised for any reason
    • Not sure either way

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Originally posted by "halevan"


Personally, I want to live and be aware, of Gods beauty that surrounds us not be in a stupor and a haze through taking poison that not only destroys the brain but also the body.


What sort of religous rubbish is this? God's beauty? Cannabis is a naturally occurring plant, it's all part of "God's beauty" ffs.

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Originally posted by "Sidla"


I'm inclined to agree with Hal, I think it's a shame that so many people rely on drugs to get them through life. It's tragic when people find they need to improve their perceptions of the world by using mind-altering substances. I suppose it comes down to the crap state that the world's in at the minute.


Another cliched view of all drug users being helpless addicts. Most people take drugs recreationally - ie. they're fun, like having a few beers, but different, not because they rely on them, or need to "improve" their perceptions of the world.

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Taking drugs is a very personal thing, if somone wants to take them okay, that is their choice no one can or will do anything about it as we all know.


A drug addict is convinced that drugs are harmless and will not be persuaded otherwise, well that is their opinion but it is not mine and I shall not be persuaded otherwise either.


good luck to you whoever you are, you will need it!!!

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Originally posted by "halevan"


A drug addict is convinced that drugs are harmless and will not be persuaded otherwise, well that is their opinion but it is not mine and I shall not be persuaded otherwise either.


What, even when the BMA says they're safe? That's just being closed minded.

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A drug addict is convinced that drugs are harmless and will not be persuaded otherwise, well that is their opinion but it is not mine and I shall not be persuaded otherwise either.


An interesting comment. I was once a drug user but do not partake because of the kids. But I do think drugs can be very dangerous - for the vast majority of recreational drug users they are more than aware of the dangers of both legal and illegal drugs - more so perhaps than your average joe.


I don't think people are trying to persuade you otherwise Hal - just show you othersides. As you said you never heard about such things until recently which may mean you have not been exposed to certain evidence and facts. You know yourself how hard you fight when you believe you have a strong valid point.


It is your decision not to take drugs - kewl, but surely it is good to be informed of ALL sides?


Moon Maiden

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Your wrong Moon Maiden, I have been aware of drugs both medical and recreational for many many years more than I care to remember. For the past thirty years I have been taking pain killing drugs to keep me going, at one time I thought that I would have to commit suicide because the pain was so Intense


And I still suffer every day of my life beleive me, It is not funny, However, I only take what is absolutely neccessary at the time and go without them completely whenever I can. I do, and have mixed with, drug addicts been around a lot so don't tell me what I don't know about drugs as I am a man of the world.


It puzzles me to see Intelligent young ,and not so young people, putting poison into their bodies quite unneccessary, all I can say is they must have a death wish and it is not a quick or pleasant death either, and if they don't die immediately are left to live their lives out as cabbages. what sense is there in that EH?

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Do you actually know how many people die from illegal drug deaths compared with deaths from legal drugs? The figure for death from illegal drug taking is NO WHERE NEAR the amount of people who die from taking say an aspirin.


The number of people who died from taking cannabis last year was a big fat 0. The number of people who died from smoking legal cigarettes and drinking legal alcohol far exceeds over a 1/4 of a million.


The only drug that bothers me is heroin. This is only because of the terrible effect it has on society due to people committing crime to pay for it. Did you know it would cost the NHS millions of pounds less to prescribe "clean" heroin to addicts, than to treat them for the effects of taking "unclean" heroin. I do believe if heroin addicts were prescribed heroin on the NHS, the amount of crime in this country would drop signifcantly. I know it's not ideal to pay for someones drug addiction but I often think we are paying a higher price right now.

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Originally posted by "halevan"


all I can say is they must have a death wish and it is not a quick or pleasant death either, and if they don't die immediately are left to live their lives out as cabbages. what sense is there in that EH?


You may have had bad experiences regarding other drugs, but this thread is talking about cannabis - no, it's not entirely benign, and can exacerbate certain psycological problems, but is on the whole pretty safe - you can't overdose, the effects are generally over within a few hours and you're more likely to do harm from inhaling the smoke than from using the narcotic.


You can't just lump all drugs under the same umbrella - alcohol / ketamine / cocaine / heroin (as examples) are all drugs, but all have very different effects and consequences to their use and abuse.


Also, I'd have thought that the fact that you've had a history of taking pain killers to conquer what must be a distressing level of pain should make you more sympathetic to those who promote cannabis use for it's pain-relieving qualities. Suppose your condition was only treatable using cannabis, as some people with certain conditions have found?

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Thank you Mike, you've hit the nail on the head...the thread is about legalising cannabis, people have been going off on a tangent and bringing in the terms of 'drug addicts'. Cannabis is not addictive.


This is a very good article



Interestingly, some pain killers are very addictive, yet they are legal so I guess thats ok then?? Some people have resorted to crime and violence in order to get doctors to carry on prescribing them a highly addictive pain killer and they have basically turned into a 'drug addict' through legal means. This is not just pain killers either, tranquilzers, antidepressants to name a couple are also highly addictive yet prescribed freely and have lots of side effects. I actually get very angry with the overprescribing of some legal medications. I really don't understand why people have a problem with cannabis.


Cannabis is practically one of the safest recreational drugs around as stated here:



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