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Should cannabis be legal

Should Cannabis be made legal?  

362 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cannabis be made legal?

    • Yes, but I have never tried it and would still not try it if legal
    • Yes, I have tried it anyway, so what difference does it make!
    • Yes, I have never tried it, but would if it were legal
    • Yes, but only for controlled medical use
    • No, I do not agree with it being legalised for any reason
    • Not sure either way

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why thank you! Its a shame that Polls can't be held in the list as 'sticky' or something. You rely on people actually posting comments to keep it in the recent list. Some polls really don't attract much posting but would get votes if they didn't just disappear into oblivion!


Anyone want to comment on the results so far??


I would like to get some more results before I do.....come on everyone, why don't people want to vote anymore??!

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I think Canabis should only be legalised for controlled medical reasons.

You all do agree with me that life is too short to add on more mesaries. I have been adicted to tea from quite a long time, I don't really know when I had started it. If I miss the morning tea I find it diffcult to do anything the rest of the day, and acracking head ache will definately follow. To make life harder I also developed another habit of smoking cigaretes and drinking coffee. No one would ever smile if he/she doesn't get any the whole day.

Therefore, :twisted: I think it is absolutely un wise to try or continue smoking canabis, isn't it ?

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I believe that all drugs should be legalised, and cannabis is the current leading candidate for legalisation.


Cannabis is an 'Astonishingly safe drug' (ED50/LD50 ratio is very high and yearly fatalities per 1000 equals zero)


Cannabis is a medically therapeutic drug in its natural form.


Cannabis can be enjoyed responsibly with a low health risk.


Cannabis byproducts (fibre, seed oil, hurd) are immensely valuable and sustainably produced raw materials. Cannabis seed oil is almost purely composed of essential fats (92% unsaturated oleic oils - "Hemp seed oil has been dubbed, "Nature's most perfectly balanced oil" due to the fact that it contains the perfectly balanced 3:1 ratio of both the required essential fatty acids (EFAs) for long term human consumption.")


Regarding other drugs, such as Heroin and Freebase Cocaine (Crack):


Prohibition leads to crime; the social and financial knock on costs of crime always exceed the value of (particularly) property crime perpetrated to fund drug addictions.


This is money that could be spent on 'Schools and Hospitals'.


By legalising all currently prohibited non-prescription drugs and providing them to users at an appropriate cost or allowing them (in the case of vegetable drugs) the entitlement to cultivate a personal supply, the multi billion pound black market in prohibited drugs will gradually crumble.


Users will be protected from contaminated and dangerous substances. Higher risk substances can be provided with suitable counselling (health warnings, patient/user information leaflets.


Cannabis smokers can cultivate some plants for personal use.


The judiciary will have a weight lifted off its shoulders. Not just drug offences, but all the associated offences and crimes of money laundering, fraud, theft, corruption, etc.


It's not a magic bullet by any means. We have serious problems with drug use in this country that need dealing with, but sticking our fingers in our ears and shouting




is not going to help.


The problem, as with all radical solutions, is that it is largely unpalatable to many voters. Not because it is wrong or ill-conceived, but because it represents such a huge change in thinking.


Making the switch from thinking drugs are evil, to thinking drugs are substances that influence mind and body is a difficult one to make, due to the amount of received wisdom that must be rejected.


Humans are born to explore, our inquisitiveness and desire to traverse uncharted territory has carried us to the very bottom of the ocean, the top of the highest mountain, through gigantic forests and deserts, and into space and ultimately the moon. (yes we did actually).


Is it any wonder that humans also seek to explore their own mind? The tools to do so have been in common usage for at least 10,000 years.

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Imagine the scenario, Explorers, deep sea divers, space ship comanders, ships captain's all under the Influence of Illegal drug's. Don't think we should have got very far in learning and improving the lot of the human race with all these brave men and women in a stupor and a trance because of taking drugs, do you?


There brain's would be befuddled and unable to function, they wouldn't be able to think straight or logical and any mission to the planet's end in disaster, same with mountaineer's up there 29000 feet high in a rareified atmosphere full of drug's******it doesn't bear thinking about. go away and think again, if you can!!!!

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Granted perhaps alot of the technically demanding jobs would have been put at risk or never occured if their leaders and evelopers enjoyed a spliff or too.


However - what about the creative jucies that are flowing thanks to illegal drugs?? Should we refuse to acknowledge works from people such as The Beatles, George Bernard Shaw, Mary Shelley, Noal Coward???


There are lots of reasons why people should not use drugs at certain times.....but I am sure the commander of a submarine or someone attempting to climb everest is not so stupid as to not understand the effects of a spliff!!!


This is the argument perhaps on the subject. Are we being treated like idiots for the minority that actually are devoid of brain function??? Also, isn't it beneficial to the progression of the human race that idiots are best left out of the foodchain??? :P


Moon Maiden

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by "halevan"


Imagine the scenario, Explorers, deep sea divers, space ship comanders, ships captain's all under the Influence of Illegal drug's. Don't think we should have got very far in learning and improving the lot of the human race with all these brave men and women in a stupor and a trance because of taking drugs, do you?


There brain's would be befuddled and unable to function, they wouldn't be able to think straight or logical and any mission to the planet's end in disaster, same with mountaineer's up there 29000 feet high in a rareified atmosphere full of drug's******it doesn't bear thinking about. go away and think again, if you can!!!!


I think you should go away and think about it to be honest! Are you really suggesting that the people in the above types of job category are all going to get 'off their faces' on drugs if they are legal???

Please give them a bit more credit. The majority of people in these types of jobs are perfectly able to make sensible judgements in life and wouldn't be that stupid to put peoples lives at risk by taking drugs at work. Please don't make out that they are stupid, that is not fair.

However, what they do in the own spare time is a different matter. That is their choice and they are entitled to have the freedom to choose.


I certainly would not get stoned and go to work and I'm sure there wouldn't be a lot of people that would.


As for not being able to think straight or logically, you have obviously not tried a spliff. I know a lot of people who can actually think more logically when stoned and Moon maiden has made some very valid points. Look at some of the creativity in this world that would be lost if they hadn't dabbled with drugs. Music, art, writtings, inventions etc

You've just got to be sensible and strike the right balance in my opinion. Besides a lot of jobs have drug testing, and if certain drugs were to be made legal, there could still be drug screening for certain jobs if they wanted to have this, although you wouldn't be able to be prosecuted you could be suspended or sacked.

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I read in the newspaper a few days ago according to a police report, that cannabis when its pure is not harmfull. However, they say that the "cannabis" bought on the streets from drug dealers is mixed with all sorts of harmfull rubbish so they can maximise their profits.


Dont the buyers know this? are they not bothered about being poisoned with this obnoxious substance? which they are buying at inflated prices. Personally I wouldnt touch it with a barge pole at any price.

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All the more reason to legalise it, then this will stop people buying dodgy stuff!! :D


Most the people I know who smoke it, buy it from sources who grow it themselves, so they know it is pure and clean. Dope isn't usually bought from real dodgy dealers. The dodgy dealers are more likely to be e.g. crack dealers.


If coffee shops were in this country like in the netherlands, the money made from the tax could be put to much better use and stop lining the pockets of the dealers!


Yet another argument for legalising it!

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