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Should cannabis be legal

Should Cannabis be made legal?  

362 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cannabis be made legal?

    • Yes, but I have never tried it and would still not try it if legal
    • Yes, I have tried it anyway, so what difference does it make!
    • Yes, I have never tried it, but would if it were legal
    • Yes, but only for controlled medical use
    • No, I do not agree with it being legalised for any reason
    • Not sure either way

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Originally posted by chickmonk

Absolutely agree floyd but I think Ann_x was replying to an earlier question about the health risks of cannabis. It is important that people do know the risks about what they take, whether legal or not.


Yes i know she was, and made some good points - I just wanted to remind everyone that alcohol is not without its risks.


Crossing the road has risks too, maybe we should ban that?


Foo-Fighter. Your moniker suggests youre a fan, you do know every album they've done has been heavily inspired by drugs - you best start burning your records and listening to Cliff Richard (Apologies to the late great Bill Hicks for paraphrasing him)

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Originally posted by slimsid2000

I would say cannabis is more dangerous as it is addictive and can lead on to other drugs. I believe it has been found to be even more dangerous than tobacco.


Certain types of alcohol in moderation (which is very important) is believed to be beneficial to health. I think a small amount of red wine is supposed to be good for you. However, excessive alcohol consumption is definately a health risk.




i dont believe cannabis leads you onto other drugs at all.

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Floyd, not entirely sure why you're arguing with me when I'm in agreement with you...? I'm really not into banning stuff (especially crossing the road cos that would be silly and I wouldn't be able to get to the pub) :smile:


Fareast - very true very true.

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Cyclone - people rarely choose to start smoking - the fact it is so rank to start with is one of the main reasons people wind up addicted. they don't like it so they don't expect to get addicted.


I'm not sure if your smiley was a jokey one or condescending..



it makes me feel all confused...

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Originally posted by mjlacey21

Cyclone - people rarely choose to start smoking - the fact it is so rank to start with is one of the main reasons people wind up addicted. they don't like it so they don't expect to get addicted.


I'm not sure if your smiley was a jokey one or condescending..



it makes me feel all confused...



lol, this made me chuckle.

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good day folks.


I have been watching this thread with interest. Time to dispel some myths methinks.


At a recent lecture I attended at the Roehampton Institute of Addictive Studies (one of the most important centres for addictive behaviour studies in London) the varied toxicity and addictive components of the major (most commonly abused) drugs were outlined and discussed.


It is a VERY little known fact that cannabis is less physically addictive (providing it is not smoked with tobacco, and theres the real rub I reckon) than coffee. Add this to the fact that coffee is also more toxic than cannabis (if you drink enough to give you a bit of a light headed feeling you get from your first toke on a spliff), and you can see why some would argue for its legalisation.


AND THATS BEFORE WE EVEN MENTION ALCOHOL (which some may realise if they've seen any of my previous postings, I'm not a big fan of).


Alcohol has a greater toxicity, and is thought to be more physically addictive than (proper, pure) cocaine!!!!!!


This was from an organisation that is actively seeking to educate people about the dangers of substance misuse and not promote such substances as the best thing since sliced bread (which can also be bad for you, unless its a seeded wholemeal)


There we go - theres an argument starter if ever I posted one

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there's a happy medium somewhere between complete disregard and obsessiveness i'm sure.


Spending 4 more years in a nursing home isn't that much of an attraction.

But spending 20 years weezing and unable to run around with your kids doesn't sound like my idea of a good life either.

Nor does dying of a heart attack at 60 when you've still got 15 years of active life ahead of you if you'd looked after yourself a little.


Originally posted by Fareast

I can't help but notice that more and more posters on S.F. seem a bit obsessed with their health. Whenever the subjects of alcohol ,tobacco , other drugs or , "unhealthy " food crops up , everyone starts comparing cigarettes with cannabis , red wine with cream cakes , white wine with cigars , carbohydrates with proteins..........etc.........ad nauseum..........

They ask questions like , "If I only smoke cannabis on occasions and drink 6 units of alcohol a week , will I live 4 years longer than someone who smokes 15 cigarettes a day and eats a lot of chocolate biscuits ?"

I wonder how they think they'll spend their extra years , if any ? Sitting in a government Old People's Home of Rest , being fed pills and semolina and watching re-runs of the New Year celebrations in Scotland with Andy Stewart ?

Big Deal !

It seems , these days that a lot of people have lost the zest for living and are happy analysing life to the nth. degree.

You see them in the Supermarket , peering at labels , as though their lives depended on it ----------when they could spend the time much more profitably down at the pub , swapping ideas and keeping mentally alert with their peers.

It was instructive to read the other day where a large number of kids and adults were increasingly falling victim to asthma.......etc......why ? Well , the scientists suggested that it was because they spent too much time in over-clean houses. I.E they would have been better getting out into the , "the rough and tumble " than spending a lot of time agonising over , "germs" and , "healthy living ".

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Originally posted by Cyclone

there's a happy medium somewhere between complete disregard and obsessiveness i'm sure.




im not obsessed with health, i just thought it would be interesting to see how people feel on alcohol and cannabis?

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Originally posted by mjlacey21

Cyclone - people rarely choose to start smoking - the fact it is so rank to start with is one of the main reasons people wind up addicted. they don't like it so they don't expect to get addicted.


I'm not sure if your smiley was a jokey one or condescending..



it makes me feel all confused...


me neither, I just couldn't resist it since the setup was perfect.

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