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Should cannabis be legal

Should Cannabis be made legal?  

362 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cannabis be made legal?

    • Yes, but I have never tried it and would still not try it if legal
    • Yes, I have tried it anyway, so what difference does it make!
    • Yes, I have never tried it, but would if it were legal
    • Yes, but only for controlled medical use
    • No, I do not agree with it being legalised for any reason
    • Not sure either way

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Harm reduction advice is not a part of the debate.


But openly canvassing for suppliers is?


Until I can walk into a shop and buy some, I'm not going to be happy. Dont like having to go to some guy, who knows a guy who knew a guy and end up buying any old crap if anything at all.


Am fully prepared for a life of not being happy on that score unfotunately.


Now if anyone can reccomend someone........



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Stop trying to get me in trouble!


The raised eyebrows were meant to signify a joke, as I'm sure most were aware (well, i've not been banned yet anyway)


Though I do notice all the vapouriser stuff has been removed, they are perfectly legal, even in this country and last time I looked talking about them was also perfectly legal.


Surely any kind of debate has to present all the facts? The fact is they were mentioned was as a counter to all the 'smoking weed is so harmful' arguments. Thanks for the over zealous censorship.

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Vapourisers are legal just like compost and greenhouses are. However the Mod team has to draw a line somewhere on a family friendly forum, and I'm sure that you will appreciate this.


We draw the line at promotion of illegal drugs taking and we ask that members report anything that the Mod Team miss - they can't read every single post that appears on SF, so we appreciate the members help and co-operation.


Cheers, Tony.

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Not to get hung up on technicalities, but I was talking about the availability of a public vapouriser, for use by the public in Amsterdam - all of which is legal, so cant really be promoting illegal drug use if its legal.


Plus, whats the point in a debate where only one side of the argument can be presented? Surely any posts highlighting the positive benefits of cannabis would be promoting illegal drug use?


Whilst I can feel a ban coming on, or at least a slap on the wrists - I just dont think its clear what the ground rules are. We all remember the wheelchair scratching the car thread - lots of promoting illegal actions there.

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Floyd77, it's very clear if you read the previous post. We do not try to work through loopholes or through non-UK laws. There is a fine line and there is an obvious line. I believe that you know the difference without being difficult.


If you wish to discuss such things then please take advantage of the numerous websites that offer such an envorinment. SF does not.

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It is very difficult to keep editorial consistency without a prescriptive set of rules.


But a prescriptive set of rules has to account for all eventualities, and would be even worse news for the forum.


So we sail in seas full of submerged hazards.


Vapouriser technology is quite new, and many people are unaware of it.


For anyone chronically and hopelessly addicted to cannabis, this technology offers unparalleled strides forward in healthy & safety.


Unfortunately they are often very expensive, putting them beyond the reach of most people, but the principle can be put into practice with much simpler, affordable and usable means.


I don't mean to turn this into a cannabis users tutorial, mostly because people don't need one, but to make the point that cannabis ingestion need not cause cancer, COPD or other respiratory diseases. It's an important point worth making, and not worth making on the boards that cater to cannabis culture, because there it is a well known fact.


I also think it is worth reiterating that the current classification of drugs using an index of harm (class A B and C) is a melange of legislation based on ignorance, greed and stupidity, and needs to change soon if people are to stop holding the law in complete contempt, in their millions.


Recent intimations about reclassifying 'skunk' are nothing short of hilarious. The blind leading the blind.


I can just see the arresting officer now....


P.C:"I am charging you with possesion of a class B drug, namely 'skunk'


Perp:"Well officer, its not skunk, it's Kali Mist. Which, I believe, is still a class C substance despite having a higher concentration of active ingredients..."


P.C" *sigh* I am now giving you a caution for possession of a class C drug, and I am confiscating your material for, er, analysis."

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Originally posted by Tony



Vapourisers are legal just like compost and greenhouses are. However the Mod team has to draw a line somewhere on a family friendly forum, and I'm sure that you will appreciate this.


We draw the line at promotion of illegal drugs taking and we ask that members report anything that the Mod Team miss - they can't read every single post that appears on SF, so we appreciate the members help and co-operation.


Cheers, Tony.


Surely any positive comment about cannabis can be interpretted as its promotion.

Likewise condoning any potentially illegal action, ie grafiti, car scratching, speeding etc... is 'promoting' illegal behaviour.

I think you're setting yourself a very difficult target if you intend to censor any positive comment about an illegal activity.

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Originally posted by floyd77

Not to get hung up on technicalities, but I was talking about the availability of a public vapouriser, for use by the public in Amsterdam - all of which is legal, so cant really be promoting illegal drug use if its legal.


Plus, whats the point in a debate where only one side of the argument can be presented? Surely any posts highlighting the positive benefits of cannabis would be promoting illegal drug use?


Whilst I can feel a ban coming on, or at least a slap on the wrists - I just dont think its clear what the ground rules are. We all remember the wheelchair scratching the car thread - lots of promoting illegal actions there.


Cannabis isn't legal in the Netherlands - it's decriminalised :)


Over here it's just been reclassified.

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Originally posted by Cyclone

Surely any positive comment about cannabis can be interpretted as it's promotion.

Likewise condoning any potentially illegal action, ie grafiti, car scratching, speeding etc... is 'promoting' illegal behaviour.

I think you're setting yourself a very difficult target if you intend to censor any positive comment about an illegal activity.

We can only moderate threads on an 'as seen' basis cyclone - we cannot forcast for every eventuality. Cannabis is illegal in the UK, and we don't like the promotion of drugs or drugs paraphernalia on here which is why we pull lots of threads on that topic - you probably just don't see any / many of them.


You must remember that SF is used by all sorts of people of all sorts of ages. It's not an adults only playground, so we do the best that we can on the whole. You can do what you see fit outside SF but at SF we don't / can't allow discussion of drug taking techniques or tips. There are other places more suited to this information. This thread is here for topical debate.


Anyway, this is way off topic, and TBH, not up for discussion.

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