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Sheffield and Expats


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I too left in 1975 and have lived near Sevenoaks ever since. If asked where I come from I always say Sheffield. Down here is such a soulless place, but I like taking their money. I have never lost my Sheffield accent, even though I don't really mix with anyone from Sheffield.


I echo your sentiments. I am 6 miles away in Tonbridge and have been here 3 years, originally from Hillsborough. People here are totally insular and difficult to make friends with, not like us northerners. I will always be Sheffield born and bred.

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I think you missed the point of my posting.


Humour and wit are one thing but sarcasm and bad manners are not the way to go through life.


I can take a laugh and a joke with anybody but my feelings towards my home town and my self respect are greater than any rude or snide remarks from any Londoner who shows no respect for Sheffield or indeed Sheffielders.


Maybe you are willing to put up with this kind of what you call dry wit or warped sense of humour but I don't.


In my travels I do not put up with any crap from anyone, I'm proud to be a Sheffielder and a Yorkshireman.


Happy Days!


Would'nt the World be a better place with the good old Yorkshire grit, and a Sheffielders attitude to life!!

I am so happy to have found this forum, yesterday i was feeling just a tad homesick so i looked up Sheffield and found this lot. The point is i left in 1966 and lived in the Midlands up until 8 years ago and now live in Thailand.

Looking at all the comments about not being the same anymore i think this goes for all Cities wherever you are from, we tend to think it's just our City thats changed.

I can honestly say that Sheffield 1st Yorkshireman 2nd English 3rd.

I can also say that i think i was amongst the luckiest people to have lived in Sheffield as a boy and wouldn't change it for anything, my child hood was looking back amazing in it's simplicity.

One of a Family of 11 we had to earn as a child what we could and put it in the kitty no questions. I sold mint on a Sunday (lamb for lunch?) and chicken s*** to the gardeners and had an egg round, morning, evening and Sunday paper rounds and worked as a delivery boy for the coop butchers on Saturday morning and in the afternoon had to get 3 sacks of sawdust on my Mobo scooter from the sawmill and then 3 sacks of cabbage leaves from Midgleys eccelsall road, after all that i was a free man, to enjoy the wonders of natural playgrounds around the City. We used to walk underground up the river from the bottom of the Moor into endcliffe park, build dams in the river at frogs walk and hunt for bull heads I could go on for ever but the thing in those days that we learned to play together and grow up, now kids are isolated and don't have those skills and they are not interested in simple things it has to be on a plate. I will leave you with one memory that you may or not understand. Imagine me standing at a tram stop on Ecclesal road as a boy, and a man in at the stop asking me how far away was the tram? I went into the road put my ear to the track and listened, got up and said just left Hunters Bar. You would live about a 30 seconds if you tried that today HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!

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They just don't get Yorkshire humour round here!(Southport) You usually get a blank expression,and have to explain yourself,which puts a bit of a damper on it.Being blunt and to the point is almost like an insult to them,sometimes.

For the sake of peace and quiet I tend to watch my Ps and QS!

I make up for it when I meet up with my Sheffield relatives,though.:)

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Although I have lived away from Sheffield for over 30 years, I still think of it as home. I do visit fairly regularly - and yes it has changed, as have all cities.

I now live in Northern Ireland, where the locals just don't understand my Yorkshire bluntness :o)

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