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Crystal's ex-restaurant


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"Crystal have never ever sold Magnum bottles of any champagne. They don't fit in our fridges and are not in any of our menus. So abit confused. Plus a Magnum is 12 glasses of champagne... that's alot of champagne for 3 people, are you sure you bought a Magnum from Crystal? "as they didnt have the normal bottle size in" Eh? Making me more confused. All our bottles are 750ml... Do you mean Crystal on Carver Street? www.crystalbar.uk.com"


Where to start


Was definalty a 1.5L Magnum bottle, and was definatly Crystal on Carver Street, the same place that used to be a toilet.


"You need to hold a VIP card to get into the vip bar. Although people with champagne are freqently allowed to indulge in our vip lounges if they ask nicely. Crystal door staff and managers are probably the most accomodating i've ever worked with when it comes to allowing people to spend extra time drinking up champagne and the likes in vip. I remember only the other day (thur) we let people stay behind whilst we cleaned so that people could enjoy their champagne. They thanked us and left Quality Service"


I do have a vip card but at the time you had to wear shoes ie not trainers acording to the door staff.


"You didn't have shoes on so you couldn't ? Eh? Does anybody understand what that means?"

As above


"One word, Illegal ! You can't take your drink outside. It's the door staffs jobs to take drinks off drunk people trying to escape with booze and glass. The area we are in is an alcolhol free zone, so i think maybe you could have gotten a fine? No need to thank us"


Where did i meantion going out of the door?! To the door? As in drink and place down at the door as I left?!


I also like earlier on in the post you say "Crystal is brilliant on a tuesday night. i always go! it is nice people, good music and cheap prices... and a great concept for a night." because you work there?! :loopy:

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Hmmmmm I was a manager at Crystal for a yr and was in charge of making the new wine list that ran from Aug 2006 till Dec 2007 and Im afraid there were no magnums available on the list as a regular order. Large bottles were available but by pre order only as the previous poster stated we did not have chilling facilities to keep any bottles in stock. Out of interest what was the make of Champagne as the only ones that were available to be ordered were Piper Heidseck and Dom Perignon.

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Truthfull i cant remember what the bottle was, i wasn't the one who ordered it.

Im talking 2005 by the way, when crystal was in my oppinion looking for a high class of clientel, which i dont believe they got, just loads of 10 bob millionaires happy to drink vodka mixes, instead of drinking all the specialist liqures that were brought in on opening.

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So you're judging the current Crystal on an experience that happened almost 2 years ago that you can hardly even remember the product you were buying much less the facts? :P I've checked on our product listing system and there isn't even a value for any product for 1.5l / Magnum size. I've worked there long enough (Before May) to know we've never done Magnum nor would it even fit in any of our fridges. You should come back on a Fri/Sat soon and check us out :hihi:

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No its not hardly, its I cant remember what bottle it was as stated before.


Even so you are making a perfect example of a member of staff at the crystal by the way you are acting. I especially enjoyed the thread you stared about being a 'license dodging student' and saying to me you "Don't mean to sound like I am saying you're lying" but you are...


So im a liar? I am sorry were you there at the time this incident happened? Would you like to ask your staff (if any are remaining, with the high turn over of staff) in your place of work did they (and defiantly did) supply magnum bottles of champagne at this time.

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I'm not a massive fan of Crystal and my previous postings on Crystal threads will prove that, however I worked there when it first opened until May/June 2005 and there were definitely no magnums of Champagne for sale then. Sorry!


Although judging by some of the other staff that worked there when I did, it would surprise me if you were kicked out so they could go home. Main reason I left - although there were also some lovely people!

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